Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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That reminds me of the posting about the person who couldn't understand why the deer didn't follow the "Deer Crossing" signs and cross where they were supposed to.

I DIED laughing when I heard that one lol. Someone had the radio recording of it up on Facebook a while ago. HILARIOUS! The one I heard had the lady complaining about why the state insisted on putting the deer crossing signs on the busiest parts of the road. "Why do they encourage these deet to cross at the busiest parts of the road? I've hit 3 deer and it was always right after seeing one of these signs! They should encourage them to cross somewhere safer! " or something like that.
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the other thing that bugs me is that so often when you tell someone you have chickens, they act like you are such a rebel. I think chooks are the awesomest but I don't think I'm this crazy hippy for having them! I imagine there was a time back in the day when more people would have had them than not.

Or some kind of irresponsible hispster ("So many people get chickens and don't know what they're doing. And then they just dump them at the animal shelter."). *gnashes teeth*
Quote:I DIED laughing when I heard that one lol. Someone had the radio recording of it up on Facebook a while ago. HILARIOUS! The one I heard had the lady complaining about why the state insisted on putting the deer crossing signs on the busiest parts of the road. "Why do they encourage these deet to cross at the busiest parts of the road? I've hit 3 deer and it was always right after seeing one of these signs! They should encourage them to cross somewhere safer! " or something like that.

That recording is why I posted the previous comment the way I did, like why don't they move it????? some people ought to wear a sign that says they are stupid like one comedian suggests.
A lady I know told me that they really need to post Deer signs all down a road we live by. I told her there are 2 or 3 on that stretch of road and she said "I see deer everywhere on that road. Not just by the signs!"
As a Senior citizen I have to tell you, one of the biggest challenges facing our nation today is Deer Illiteracy. Until we address the problem head on Deer will continue to be needlessly killed in traffic accidents!
I still get a lot of the "How can you eat them?" on the silkies. I tell them that they eat fried chicken. It's just another chicken.
Now, regarding deer crossing the road, this problem of the signs never being at the right place when the deer crosses the road has a very easy solution. Legislation should be passed to require each and every deer to carry his or her own "Warning, deer crossing" sign with them when crossing the road. There! Problem solved. I should have been a legislator.
You should have been!
Now, regarding deer crossing the road, this problem of the signs never being at the right place when the deer crosses the road has a very easy solution. Legislation should be passed to require each and every deer to carry his or her own "Warning, deer crossing" sign with them when crossing the road. There! Problem solved. I should have been a legislator.

Lol! Sounds about right.
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