Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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A our local country market, they sell brown eggs for about 75 cents more than white eggs. It says on the package "free range and fed a vegetarian diet," WHAT ELSE WOULD YOU FEED THEM?????? "Okay ma'am, I have got 83 sirloin steak, 97 cheese burgers, and some meatloaf, is that all for you today? $19563.00 at the next window please."

Bugs are not considered vegetarian, and I'd be very interested to see how they'd stop the chickens from catching and eating them given the chance. You can also feed your chickens: eggs, beef, pork... chicken... lol it's pretty amazing how much is fed to backyard chickens that actually isn't vegetarian..... not that I care.
Yeah I've never completely understood when people get so worked up about how "mean" cropping/docking is. Especially when these same people typically say how important it is to spay and neuter your pets. I think if anything spaying and neutering is a much more serious surgery and probably more painful recovery time. I mean ask any person "would you rather be castrated or have a piece of your ear cut off" and almost instantly without thought they'll say "Ear cut off!" Now I'm not saying I'm against spay/neuter, I'm just saying if your gonna be against one thing because you think its mean you should be against all of them lol that's just MY opinion is all. But yeah I don't think its anyone's business what you do with your animals as long as they are taken care of and happy. And I don't think they puppies even remember losing their tales lol ANYWAY sorry off track some talk more about chickens haha!

I totally agree with you. I'm also a HUGE supporter of the whole spay/neuter your pet movement. The problem is that when you see ppl do it 'wrong' and horrid things happen to the dog because the people who did it didn't take care of it (though this is more for ears than a tail), or wait until they are older and it is something that causes trauma. IMO doing it when they're young and aren't going to be traumatized AND can care for it properly it can be a benefit. The problem is, as usual, with morons and douche canoes that don't care for the pets properly or are just cruel that cause such a stigma. I don't see how it's that much different than say circumcision. Ever heard a guy who had to have it done when they were 20? yeah... not fun, and you just have to feel bad for them, and I'm female! I've never heard of a guy complain about it when it was done near birth though. Same "sort of" principle IMO.
Is there a discussion type group for the "modern homesteader" like this BYC one? I'm LOVING this BYC thing, but refuse to Facebook. I guess I miss out a little when it comes to networking with like minded people through FB. But I just can't back down from the commitment I made to never join it.
Do you do much alternative energy discussion on your homestead site?
I use this one fairly often they discuss all types of homesteading questions.
We actually do that in our work lunch room. We talk about the oddest things and having an iphone is very handy. Such as do birds have sphincters, is a prune really a dried plumb, are all grasshoppers locust, how do peanuts grow etc.... we learn a ton in a very short time and have fun doing it.
Didn't know you could dry a plumb.... I think you meant Plum but it made me laugh.

Is there a discussion type group for the "modern homesteader" like this BYC one? I'm LOVING this BYC thing, but refuse to Facebook. I guess I miss out a little when it comes to networking with like minded people through FB. But I just can't back down from the commitment I made to never join it.

Do you do much alternative energy discussion on your homestead site?

I use this one fairly often they discuss all types of homesteading questions.

You can also discuss homesteading and forms of alternative energy on BYC's sister sites;


I also find them much easier to navigate than BYC, too. :)
Oh. My. Gosh.
I was at PETA's blog (I like them in a sense they do a lot of good things, I dislike them in a sense their kinda extreme) when it said -
'Whats in your milk?'
Well, it said blood & puss (I miss our milk goat...) the they said 'and female hormones!'
How stupid do you have to be.
To Darkangeal...I have seen the claim that it is illegal in Ohio for a man to speak to a woman before she speaks to him...There are many outdated and curious laws and constitutional provisions but can you document this ?...I can't seem to locate any such state statute...Maybe a local ordinance or wider provision from long ago?...Does "loveourbirds know?".......Thanks and Take Care..
Aren't there babies in them?
You eat baby chicks?!
Store bought eggs are much more sanitary
Do they bite?
How do they lay the egg without a chicken? (yes they said chicken, not rooster)
What is that thing on their head?
What are those red things hanging from their face?
Do those red things feel funny?
Theres nothing wrong with factory farming.
Ew what is wrong with those brown ones!?

Some people are so stupid its funny:rolleyes:
To Darkangeal...I have seen the claim that it is illegal in Ohio for a man to speak to a woman before she speaks to him...There are many outdated and curious laws and constitutional provisions but can you document this ?...I can't seem to locate any such state statute...Maybe a local ordinance or wider provision from long ago?...Does "loveourbirds know?".......Thanks and Take Care..
I do not know personally of the law in Ohio it's not my state I was just commenting on how often stupid laws come to be about everything from not mating with a fish in some states to not mating with a porcupine in others ... someone had to do something that got these dumb laws passed I know of one case in my own state where my dad and his buddy were standing at a dry stream bed and just trading bull manure stories when a cop came up to them and asked what they were doing They said fishing. Cop left and they came back another day and there was a sign there that said no fishing.
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