Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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Here's the wikipedia link to pasteurized eggs http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pasteurized_eggs#Pasteurized_shell_eggs

I saw some pasteurized eggs in the store around Christmas a couple years ago. I think they were around $6 bucks a dozen. It was so much that I commented on it to my husband. Only eggs I've seen more expensive are the free-range, organic, blue eggs at the health food store.

You can find pasteurized eggs at a reasonable price at food outlets that cater to professional chefs. If you are making egg nogs and certain salad dressings that use raw eggs, particularly if you are making these items for the public, pasteurized eggs make sense. Otherwise they aren't worth it.
You can find pasteurized eggs at a reasonable price at food outlets that cater to professional chefs. If you are making egg nogs and certain salad dressings that use raw eggs, particularly if you are making these items for the public, pasteurized eggs make sense. Otherwise they aren't worth it.

Please note, only the EGGSHELL gets pasteurized. The eatable inside isn't pasteurized. We used pasteurized eggs at 'Jack in the box'. We could move eggs around all we wanted without a problem but as soon as the egg was cracked we had to stop and rinse our hands in sanitizer before touching anything else.

Also something about the pasteurizing process made the eggshells thinner and more porous. So the pasteurized eggs had to have a wax coating to keep the egg 's from drying out.
My Co workers, Mind you I work in Atlanta full of yuppies...

"I am vegan that is just mean to eat your chickens eggs and make them lay every day, its a shame your chickens can't live a happy life"
"how do you make them lay"
"why do they lay so often"
"WAIT so its just like a human but their cycles are once a day just about? WAAAAAT an EGG IS WHAT"

What's so sad is that many people are vegan/vegetarian because of this kind of ignorance. If they'd only research a little and learn first, to correct their misconceptions (e.g. people *make* chickens lay), they wouldn't have to live such a restrictive lifestyle. Plus, notice how most of these people are governed by their emotions instead of logic or reason? This is why I have such little faith in mankind anymore; emotion seems to be a common and acceptable replacement for reason these days.
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These are my current batch of greyhounds
they are genetic cousins, we've had them 6 years, they were 3 years old when we got them. They both raced, but not long. The one afraid of the floors is Sagan, the other Oberon. Their racing names were top force and magic stiffling.

I had a beautiful fawn boy named Pythagoras, racing name was al e chet, and before then I had another boy, Orion, racing name flying persian. Those 2 had very long, prestigious racing careers. Idk if we're going to get any more greyhounds after these pass, as now I have many chickens lol.

Whitch btw are part of my next meatie chicken project, but ain't they adorable?

they are ayam cemani x orpington chicks, some may be black meat. I guess I'll find out in the spring. :)
You can find pasteurized eggs at a reasonable price at food outlets that cater to professional chefs. If you are making egg nogs and certain salad dressings that use raw eggs, particularly if you are making these items for the public, pasteurized eggs make sense. Otherwise they aren't worth it.

Or you can use one the newer, custard type egg nog recipes where you cook the eggs in the milk. They aren't bad, not at all.
This reminded me about an article I ran into a while back and read out of morbid curiosity about how backyard chicken eggs are bad.... It was talking abotu how these people were putting in fencing at a animal rescue and how one "poor hen" had managed to "outsmart" her humans and had made a nest outside in the bushes where she could sit on her eggs as nature intended rather than having people come "steal her children from her" daily and how as a animal rescue/sancuary they should be allowed to live a natural life without people taking their eggs from them.... Yeah, but what if the eggs aren't fertle and she sits on them long enough they rot and they break and cover her with roten egg goo? How will that affect her life/health??

Snorfle. Send them some Leghorns. Let them watch in horror as they absolutely *refuse* to set eggs, and run squawking from a nest box filled with eggs.

I can hardly wait until they run into their first egg eater.

Yes, I am NOT a nice person.
I am sick of nonsense. I am sick of the anonymous jerk who keeps calling animal control and the sheriff on our down the highway neighbors for being cruel to their equines because the equines are in a barren corral with no grass (this is in the high desert, where grass isn't particularly common, anyway.) I am sick of people who dump their dogs and cats out so they can have a "life in the country" and the people in our neighborhood often have to euthanize them after they chase stock or get hit on the highway. I am sick of people who lecture me on how one shouldn't raise animals, eat meat, hunt or fish because it is more enlightened. (You can probably guess where I tell them to stick the flashlight in order to find the inner light.) I am sick of people who lecture me on why we should have a Prius instead of an F-150, and don't understand "chickens ride in the back." You have no idea of how many morons have advised me that the chickens should ride inside because they might jump or be blown out of the back of the truck. I kid you not. I am tired of people at the California house who harass a friend of mine with calls reporting that she has a rooster JUST ABOUT EVERY TIME THEY ARE HOME IN THE DAY AND HEAR THE EGG SONG.

No matter how many times animal control comes out and determines those are hens cackling after laying eggs, AND TELLS THEM THIS, they insist she has a rooster hidden somewhere on the premises, probably underneath the bed, next to the left-over-from-the-Cold-War Communist still hiding there. (For those to young to remember, there were people who were so convinced the Communists were infiltrating America that an irreverent story was told that they were hunting for Commies hiding under their beds. Despite all of the hysteria, Communism in the US was more akin to a fraud perpetrated by the American party leader against the Russians who sent him lotsof money. He lived very, very well, in keeping with other Commie leaders around the world.)
Snorfle. Send them some Leghorns. Let them watch in horror as they absolutely *refuse* to set eggs, and run squawking from a nest box filled with eggs.

I can hardly wait until they run into their first egg eater.

Yes, I am NOT a nice person.
I am sick of nonsense. I am sick of the anonymous jerk who keeps calling animal control and the sheriff on our down the highway neighbors for being cruel to their equines because the equines are in a barren corral with no grass (this is in the high desert, where grass isn't particularly common, anyway.) I am sick of people who dump their dogs and cats out so they can have a "life in the country" and the people in our neighborhood often have to euthanize them after they chase stock or get hit on the highway. I am sick of people who lecture me on how one shouldn't raise animals, eat meat, hunt or fish because it is more enlightened. (You can probably guess where I tell them to stick the flashlight in order to find the inner light.) I am sick of people who lecture me on why we should have a Prius instead of an F-150, and don't understand "chickens ride in the back." You have no idea of how many morons have advised me that the chickens should ride inside because they might jump or be blown out of the back of the truck. I kid you not. I am tired of people at the California house who harass a friend of mine with calls reporting that she has a rooster JUST ABOUT EVERY TIME THEY ARE HOME IN THE DAY AND HEAR THE EGG SONG.

No matter how many times animal control comes out and determines those are hens cackling after laying eggs, AND TELLS THEM THIS, they insist she has a rooster hidden somewhere on the premises, probably underneath the bed, next to the left-over-from-the-Cold-War Communist still hiding there. (For those to young to remember, there were people who were so convinced the Communists were infiltrating America that an irreverent story was told that they were hunting for Commies hiding under their beds. Despite all of the hysteria, Communism in the US was more akin to a fraud perpetrated by the American party leader against the Russians who sent him lotsof money. He lived very, very well, in keeping with other Commie leaders around the world.)

I'm with with on this one! It's why I stay home and avoid people much of the time. I'm getting to be a cranky old biddy! (some would say "getting to be"?) Stupidity is running rampant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

See post 8873 RE: "emotion seems to be a common and acceptable replacement for reason these days".
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