Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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This isn't
related but it drives me insane:
when my parents told me about it I thought they were lying. I just couldn't believe that people buy this! It's packaged pb&j!!! And it's FROZEN!!! Are human beings incapable of spreading peanut butter and jelly on two pieces of bread and slapping it together?!?!? Ooooh and then you have to use a knife to cut the crust off oh the horror! It's impossible!!
! Quick, give something packaged, frozen, and filled with who knows what before I hurt myself on the pointy butter knife!!
I lost my faith in humanity a long time ago....
I actually really like eating those - I'd prefer those to eat during lunch since they'd be quite good and what not. (On a good, warm day, mind you, cause the pb would be nice and thick! When it rained and the my lunch account was depleted or the other foods were out, they were just..cold.) In defense of the uncrustables - they don't make as much of a mess of the jelly and pb when you put them in the bag since the sides of the bread are sealed together. Unless you squish it, then it sort bleeds out pb&j.

I always enjoyed eating school lunch.

Of course, there were always the 'gross' things on the menu that you learn to avoid but all in all, for me it was a good experience.
last month i was at my fiances godmothers house and we told her that we got some chickens and her response was "if you let the rooster fertilize the eggs they are healthier" i just sat there with a uh hu face. haha.
last month i was at my fiances godmothers house and we told her that we got some chickens and her response was "if you let the rooster fertilize the eggs they are healthier" i just sat there with a uh hu face. haha.

perhaps in unmeasureable amount that may mean something after 40 years on at least 1 a day eggs, but even then I doubb it.....
Can't you pack them a decent lunch? Or do they have rules about that now?
dont know about other places but at my school we arent allowed ANY food or drinks of any kind from outside the school..........unless your parent is the principle or assistant principle then you get homemade food everyday
My MIL asked why my Americauna / Easter eggers/ olive eggers eggs were different colors. I said because they are different flavors. The blue are wintergreen, the pink are peppermint and the green are spearmint.
My MIL asked why my Americauna / Easter eggers/ olive eggers eggs were different colors. I said because they are different flavors. The blue are wintergreen, the pink are peppermint and the green are spearmint.

and don't forget the milk chocolate eggs you get from the heavy breeds..... If she bought your answer tell her you didn't like the vanilla eggs you got from the store....
My MIL asked why my Americauna / Easter eggers/ olive eggers eggs were different colors. I said because they are different flavors. The blue are wintergreen, the pink are peppermint and the green are spearmint.

Hahah! Hilarious! Love it!:lau you should tell her that the brown ones are chocolate and the white ones are marshmallow! And the store eggs don't taste right because they weren't raised in quality marshes.:lol:
You guys are too funny! I will remember the vanilla comment. I do have maran chicks that just hatched. That will be a whole nother bag of worms...
"If a rooster is sitting on a roof facing north to south and if it lays an egg which side will the egg roll off of?"
I've actually had a few people tell me "south!"
Reeeeally? I'd like to see this hypothetical-magical-egg-laying-rooftop-sitting roo of yours...and so would Ripleys.:p
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