Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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Sometimes I think it must be the fact that they are not pasteurized that makes people think the are unedible.

Most eggs aren't pasteurized. You have to really look to find them. My local store doesn't even carry pasteurized eggs as there isn't much call for them here.
I was showing photos of my chickens to a lady who was interested in seeing them yesterday, and I came to a photo of my eggs.

Her: You actually store them in a carton!?
Me: Um, yeah, most of the time. I don't always bother if they're for my own use, but I do if I'm going to sell them to someone else.
Her: People buy them!?
Me: Yeah.
Her: What do they do with them? Eat them?
Me: ... Yeah?
Her: So your eggs are edible?
Me: ...Yes.
Her: Wow!

Rarely does a conversation bewilder me as much as that one did. I deal with a lot of funny questions every day from people about chickens, but that just left me speechless.

beautiful picture!
Most eggs aren't pasteurized. You have to really look to find them. My local store doesn't even carry pasteurized eggs as there isn't much call for them here.
I think she meant that people dont believe that if they are not inspected they can still be edible. People still get dumbfounded that I eat my own eggs and chickens... and I was until a month or two ago, a USDA food inspector!
LOL, I find it interesting how far we have come from the farm. We don't even know where food comes from.

Sure we do. Eggs grow in those styrofoam cartons, milk is manufactured in those plastic jugs, and meat comes from the meat counter. No animals or dirt anywhere.
OMG, I was telling a lady at work the other day that I'll be getting chickens this summer and plan to have lots and lots of eggs.  I told her I'd bring some in for her so that she can taste how much better they are.

Know what she said?

Her: "Oh my GAWD, eeeeeewwwwww, I could never eat those eggs!"

Me: "Ummmm, why not?

Her: "Well, BECAUSE, they came out of a chicken's butt!"

Me: "Ummmmm.  Huh?  You eat eggs from the store, right?"

Her: "Well, yeah, of COURSE, but that's different!"

Me: "How is that different?  Those eggs also came out of a chicken."

Her: "But those are all sanitary and come in a box."

Me: "I'll wash my eggs and box them for you too."

Her: "Blech, no way.  I could never eat eggs from your chickens.  That's just gross."

Me: "***?"

[Erica walks away shaking head]


LOL, this is just too much.  No wonder I want to quit my job and become a pioneer woman and never have to leave the house...

My sister said the exact same thing and we proceeded to have the exact same conversation! Some people! Lol smh
We were recently discussing what our friends do with the roosters they don't keep for breeding. My five year old informed me that you can't eat real chickens because they are too boney. He told me you have to go to the shop to buy the food that looks like chicken instead. So much for getting chickens to teach the children about food production!
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