Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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My favorite is our Marans Wilma who thinks thinks she's flying while she runs.

Flap running! It's so funny. I've always wondered whether they are trying to run faster or trying to get airborne.

Dominiques will pop into the air and fly about 20 feet across the yard at chest height. That is funny, madly flapping wings, necks extended for flight.
Flap running! It's so funny. I've always wondered whether they are trying to run faster or trying to get airborne.

Dominiques  will pop into the air and fly about 20 feet across the yard at chest height. That is funny, madly flapping wings, necks extended for flight.

All of my ladies do that. It seems to put them in a better mood? xD
Wow! I had long eared, four legged poultry before I had chickens and never knew!!! :)

My BOs flap their wings when running to greet me at the gate. It always makes me laugh.
All of my LF do the flap run occasionally. Some actually fly to me. The silkies are the only birds that don't do it. I think they know they can't fly.
With the convenience of auto-sexing chickens, some people have tried to take it a step further and asked the breeders to cull all the eggs containing cockerels prior to shipping so that they only got "girl eggs" to hatch.

Hahaha I've had people call and try to order "only girl eggs.". ?!?!?!

...To insure they are all girl eggs did you tell the buyer that you would gladly sort all the eggs laid by your hens into one pile and mark them girl eggs and that the eggs laid by your roosters would be sorted into another pile and marked boy eggs so that they were sure to only have girl eggs shipped to them?
Those eggs arnt FDA approved
All the more reason to eat them instead.
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