Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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On my facebook today from a friend:
Well, you hear all of the "horror" stories about people dinking unpasturized milk and getting sick.... I can see how someone that was raised in the city would feel the same about eggs. I mean, we were sitting on the side of the parkway one 4th of july watching fireworks and there was a herd of (quite nice actually) black and white draft cross horses in the pasture in front of us... The people beside us were having a "intelectual" conversation on if those were cows or horses, some thought they were cows, some thought they were horses, some weren't sure but felt like putting in their 2 cents worth... It would have been funny if it wasn't so sad...
On my facebook today from a friend:What makes eggs from your chickens better than eggs from a store? (That sounds rude, I don't know how to reword it) I'm actually worried that raw eggs from my Inlaws chickens will make us sick instead of store bought which are pasteurized.

Raw eggs can make anyone sick! Suggest to her that she consider "cooking" them if she's concerned!
On my facebook today from a friend:[COLOR=141823]What makes eggs from your chickens better than eggs from a store? (That sounds rude, I don't know how to reword it) I'm actually worried that raw eggs from my Inlaws chickens will make us sick instead of store bought which are pasteurized.[/COLOR]

Raw eggs can make anyone sick!  Suggest to her that she consider "cooking" them if she's concerned!  :oops:
Sometimes the simplest response is by far the best.... :highfive:
My Co workers, Mind you I work in Atlanta full of yuppies...

"I am vegan that is just mean to eat your chickens eggs and make them lay every day, its a shame your chickens can't live a happy life"
"how do you make them lay"
"why do they lay so often"
"WAIT so its just like a human but their cycles are once a day just about? WAAAAAT an EGG IS WHAT"
My Co workers, Mind you I work in Atlanta full of yuppies...

"I am vegan that is just mean to eat your chickens eggs and make them lay every day, its a shame your chickens can't live a happy life"
"how do you make them lay"
"why do they lay so often"
"WAIT so its just like a human but their cycles are once a day just about? WAAAAAT an EGG IS WHAT"
This reminded me about an article I ran into a while back and read out of morbid curiosity about how backyard chicken eggs are bad.... It was talking abotu how these people were putting in fencing at a animal rescue and how one "poor hen" had managed to "outsmart" her humans and had made a nest outside in the bushes where she could sit on her eggs as nature intended rather than having people come "steal her children from her" daily and how as a animal rescue/sancuary they should be allowed to live a natural life without people taking their eggs from them.... Yeah, but what if the eggs aren't fertle and she sits on them long enough they rot and they break and cover her with roten egg goo? How will that affect her life/health??
This reminded me about an article I ran into a while back and read out of morbid curiosity about how backyard chicken eggs are bad.... It was talking abotu how these people were putting in fencing at a animal rescue and how one "poor hen" had managed to "outsmart" her humans and had made a nest outside in the bushes where she could sit on her eggs as nature intended rather than having people come "steal her children from her" daily and how as a animal rescue/sancuary they should be allowed to live a natural life without people taking their eggs from them.... Yeah, but what if the eggs aren't fertle and she sits on them long enough they rot and they break and cover her with roten egg goo? How will that affect her life/health??

All I got to say about it is that my Chickens don't have to wake up at 4am, sit in traffic for an hour and a half, and listen to stupid people like that all day, no they are in the yard, with toys, food, pecking away and enjoying the weather...So much abuse..
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