Dumpster Diving-Garage Sale-Goodwill-Thrift Store & Craigslist Finds

Again with the Kitchenaid mixer

Can everyone find them but me????

You're not alone. I can't find one either.

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I found this adorable snowman at Goodwill for a couple dollars. Since my son's 4-H is doing a craft faire/fundraiser, I wanted to duplicate these snowmen for the kids to sell. My son is in the Poultry Project with our 3 chickens.
A man donated all the logs from his mill (found his ad on CL) and the kids are doing some of the sanding and painting in the second picture. Our snowmen will be a little more "rustic" than the original, but totally cute!
The third picture shows all the "snowguys" in my trunk, so I can take them home for some finishing touches...


ok. soo i am staring a small farm on a very small budget have the funds to care for animals but not the funds to outright purchase animals without taking a chunk out of christmas fund soooo i started looking on craigslist for unwanted farm animals so far i have gotten seven ducks, 12 chickens, a goat, a potbelly pig and four alpacas all for free. everyone was in good health when i got them and can now use the ducks and chickens to breed more for eating/eggs i have an incubator and can breed the goat to a friends for milk and have four alpacas for fiber and backpacking i love CL. and my coop is built out of a shed that my husband brought home from a jobsite that they were gonna scrap, and my wire is also from an old coop at a jobsite, and all the lumber is reused from an oldmotor home my husband demod, all the shelters for our animals are made entirely from reclaimed wood from various places
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Yesterday at a forclosure/demo cleanout dumpster I SCORED!!!!!!!! Somebody threw out an old moldy pair of cowboy boots with spurs on them. The spurs looked really old and funny, not quite chrome or stainless. Looked at them closer and found the little sterling silver mark. 7.34 troy ounces of pure sterling according to the reloading scale!!!! Amazing what people throw away. My wife's checking on the tack/antique value of the spurs to see if it's better than the spot price of silver (she does the horse stuff, I just shoot coyotes). I've got over 100# of copper and brass from construction dumpsters this summer, plus enough lumber to build an ice shack and mdse barn lumber. Working on oak trim for interior work in a couple rooms of the house. Got the antique mahogany crown molding already.
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nice work!

my hubby is in construction and he's brought home a *lot* of good leftovers from remodels and new construction. sometimes stuff is ordered at a quantity to get a price break, and it's considerably more than they actually need, but cheaper than ordering the exact amount. lots of electrical components, switches and junction boxes, partial boxes of romex, PVC fixtures. we've got about 1000sqft of 3/4" clear maple hardwood floor that was the bulk overrun of flooring for a basketball court. it's beautiful stuff, just waiting for us to purchase the house it should go in!

steel I beams, plywood and drywall, tile, and 6 sections of heavy plastic coated 1" grid welded square wire that's 4'x16' - this was golf ball screening on a golf course and they changed the layout so they had this left over. it's sturdy but flexible, we've used it for everything from emergency fencing to circular jugs for ewes/lambs to temporary tops on the utility trailer for hauling goats to grid to cover the windows on the horse trailer he's rebuilding.
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There's no such thing as junk. You just haven't figured out how to use it yet. Make sure you have your "use" figured out before you drag it home to your partner, especially if it's too big to hide.

Me, I've got so much "junk" a little more is easy to camouflage. Kinda like my gun collection. Wife never notices one more duck in the flock.

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