Easter Egger Pics!!!

Posting an add on here would be a good idea. I personally wouldn't put an add on Craigslist cuz there are some people on there who really just want chickens for the novelty (not to say that there aren't people who adore chickens on there). But mottled Cochin's are pretty rare as far as Cochin's go, and this is the time of year when people get chickens!
Blue. There are lavender ameraucanas, but they are VERY rare. She might be considered a splash, but the whole blue/black/splash thing is super common with EEs.

Thanks, that's what I was thinking. She just has such beautiful color. It's funny because her name is cappuccino because she was about that color when she started getting her feathers, now this silvery color. I just love it!

Clementine has red feathers coming in on the shoulders, does that mean she's a rooster?

No it's much too early to tell by that. The red shoulder patches grow in with their adult feathers I think. Hens can be red too like the pretty ones posted above. The first feathers a chick gets change as they grow up. Until my chicks get older I can't tell if they will get reddish, or have just the shoulders or be a different pattern from the one they have now. It's exciting but nerve wracking too. I want one Easter egger rooster but love all three chicks. Now I wait to see who stays and who goes. My Idaho has a much bigger comb than my other two chicks but it didn't change till he was 3 1/2 weeks. Then I started watching him. It got pink a few days later and then I saw the red on just the shoulders that was not there last week. My two other chicks are the same age. Their combs are small and yellow but they are getting in head feathers and new colors at this age too. I know that's normal for all Easter eggers and part of the fun. I really hope they are girls so I can keep all three.
Aubrey! She lays pale blue eggs. And Blue, who ironically lays minty green eggs. Her mom was a marans, so she's got two little feathers sticking out of each foot XD. I love my EEs, they are fantastic layers. I think I'm going to add more, or go for some olive eggers.
I've got a little splash chick that is marked just like your Aubrey. I am excited to get an an idea of what she'll look like as she gets older. Aubrey is precious!

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