Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

The pic doesn't show it as dark as it really looks but I'm still leaning toward roo by his comb. We are down by one chick. :( They have been ranging and the other day there were 11 when they went out but only 10 when they went to bed.
The pic doesn't show it as dark as it really looks but I'm still leaning toward roo by his comb. We are down by one chick. :( They have been ranging and the other day there were 11 when they went out but only 10 when they went to bed.

It's really hard to tell. My buff Am pullet did that gradual molt thing and darkened into a nice deep buff color, and looked sort of dark splotchy at the time. Since it's a mix, I was expecting any dark to be the rusty red that Junebuggena was talking about. Shape wise, it looks more pullet-y to me. I thought the comb looked small, but I can't see it very well, and it's... you know... half Silkie! so I defer to you on that one.

Sorry you lost one. Got any fox around there? Something disappears without a trace, fox is a likely culprit.
Not that I'm aware of but that really doesn't mean anything. I know they are sneaky little things.

As for the comb i was really thinking it looked 3 pea-ish a couple of weeks ago but after seeing it next to momma and her comb, I dunno. Will wait til this weekend and take a close up pic of both and see how they compare.
Being brand new I have a million doubts as to if I have hens or roos.... Any guesses here? They are 8 weeks old in these pics from this past weekend. Thanks!

Princess Laya

That photo is too dark to see the color accurately.

Here he is :)

He is so sweet right now, will his attitude change when he ages?
This is my first time raising chickens. I heard EE are pretty feisty birds so we got one. I heard a "ba-CAWWW" coming from the coop this morning! Is that a rooster caw....her are some pictures of our EE. Is Belle really our Prince Charming??


Here is an older photo...about 4 weeks old here
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This is my first time raising chickens. I heard EE are pretty feisty birds so we got one. I heard a "ba-CAWWW" coming from the coop this morning! Is that a rooster caw....her are some pictures of our EE. Is Belle really our Prince Charming??
Yes, that EE appears to be a rooster.

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