Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

Here he is :)

He is so sweet right now, will his attitude change when he ages?
How old? If that bird is under ten weeks old, it's a cockerel. Since most Easter Eggers are hatchery birds, there is no way to know if he will stay nice, or become aggressive. My boy avoids people completely, but is learning how to be a good rooster for his girls. But he is only 18 weeks old.
My chicks are about 3 months old and today it was alarmed to hear what seemed like a crow coming from their coop! Yikes! We already have a mature rooster so we really don't want another one. Three of the chicks are EEs, one is a Rhode Island, and one a Barred Rock. I have my suspicions about one who is tan/red and white. She has a small comb and looks pretty hen like. Smaller than the others, no long tail (though she does hold it down instead of up), and she matured as quickly as the others. But she does have some red on her back. I will try to get a good picture to post. Is it possible for them to just sound like they're crowing? I know they just started bawking instead of cheeping very recently. Could they all be hens by any chance or is that just wishful thinking?

Do any of these look like roosters?
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This is my first time raising chickens. I heard EE are pretty feisty birds so we got one. I heard a "ba-CAWWW" coming from the coop this morning! Is that a rooster caw....her are some pictures of our EE. Is Belle really our Prince Charming??

Here is an older photo...about 4 weeks old here
I agree, definitely looks like a rooster to me.
The crowing came from the Barred Rock cockerel. He's got a bright pink comb, wide bands of white, and narrow bands of black; all classic male Barred Rock features. Your Easter Eggers are pullets.
My chicks are about 3 months old and today it was alarmed to hear what seemed like a crow coming from their coop! Yikes! We already have a mature rooster so we really don't want another one. Three of the chicks are EEs, one is a Rhode Island, and one a Barred Rock. I have my suspicions about one who is tan/red and white. She has a small comb and looks pretty hen like. Smaller than the others, no long tail (though she does hold it down instead of up), and she matured as quickly as the others. But she does have some red on her back. I will try to get a good picture to post. Is it possible for them to just sound like they're crowing? I know they just started bawking instead of cheeping very recently. Could they all be hens by any chance or is that just wishful thinking?

Do any of these look like roosters?
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My chicks are about 3 months old and today it was alarmed to hear what seemed like a crow coming from their coop! Yikes! We already have a mature rooster so we really don't want another one. Three of the chicks are EEs, one is a Rhode Island, and one a Barred Rock. I have my suspicions about one who is tan/red and white. She has a small comb and looks pretty hen like. Smaller than the others, no long tail (though she does hold it down instead of up), and she matured as quickly as the others. But she does have some red on her back. I will try to get a good picture to post. Is it possible for them to just sound like they're crowing? I know they just started bawking instead of cheeping very recently. Could they all be hens by any chance or is that just wishful thinking?

Do any of these look like roosters?
Yep, that Barred Rock is a he, not a she!
I agree, definitely looks like a rooster to me.

Thank you. I'm still crossing my finger that it's not a roo but the noise she/he makes is a cawing....not sure of the different noises yet. We have 3 buffs and 3 black australorps and 1 columbium rock and none of them make the noise she makes...I was hoping it was just a EE thing. Here is a close up of her face
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Thank you. I'm still crossing my finger that it's not a roo but the noise she/he makes is a cawing....not sure of the different noises yet. We have 3 buffs and 3 black australorps and 1 columbium rock and none of them make the noise she makes...I was hoping it was just a EE thing. Here is a close up of her face

Sorry, there's no doubt about that one being a roo :(

Thank you. I'm still crossing my finger that it's not a roo but the noise she/he makes is a cawing....not sure of the different noises yet. We have 3 buffs and 3 black australorps and 1 columbium rock and none of them make the noise she makes...I was hoping it was just a EE thing. Here is a close up of her face
Cockerel. :/

Thank you. I'm still crossing my finger that it's not a roo but the noise she/he makes is a cawing....not sure of the different noises yet. We have 3 buffs and 3 black australorps and 1 columbium rock and none of them make the noise she makes...I was hoping it was just a EE thing. Here is a close up of her face
ok...I know I'm being a pain and a little obsessive but I read that a 3 comb is a sign of a roo. I just took a close up and I only see 1. Help me here...I'm still learning

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