Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

You clearly got lucky this time! Look, ours are identical and mine has a beard and it's a girl you have a little girl.

Wow! They are twins!
I have tried repeatedly to purchase Easter Egger Hens but they always turn out to be males. I have two chicks now and I like them both. What do you think? I think black one is a hen. I don't know about the other one.

I can't see the white one's comb very well, and I'm certainly not experienced, but I'd call both of those pullets (wait for a more experienced opinion though, I'm still new to EE's)
When people look at the feathering for sexing EEs, I've always thought they were looking at chicks around 4 weeks, where the males have smaller or no tails and much more chick fuzz on their heads compared to females. I'm curious to see if your feather method works. Hope you can post when they are older.
They are, I think, this was a general chicken observation, I want to see if it's going to hold true for these guys. like I said, it's to soon to tell, and with the EE's, I knew they were going to change a lot and wanted to be able to tell.

when do their legs start to fill out for boys, so far the all seem to have big legs.

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