Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

The neck feathers look like they are in full replacement mode so you can't tell anything by their shape. I was going to ask "how old?" but you've already gotten the same answer from 3 people I would bet money on being right on EE sexing a WHOLE LOT more often than they are wrong
Is it possible for an easter egger pullet to have one tail feather that kind of curls like a roosters? I have an 8 week old with what I believe is the wild duck wing pattern. Comb not red, no three rows, but this one feather has me wondering. See photos in post below. Thank you in advance.
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Is it possible for an easter egger pullet to have one tail feather that kind of curls like a roosters? I have an 8 week old with what I believe is the wild duck wing pattern. Comb not red, no three rows, but this one feather has me wondering. See photos in post below. Thank you in advance.

Oh yes, in fact it's very common for young EE pullets to have curly tail feathers when they are young. As soon as they get their adult feathers, the curled tails will fall out and be replaced with straight ones.
Oh thank you mymilliefleur! I am just amazed at how much easter eggers change in their looks from day to day. I didn't see any other rooish signs so was hoping it was just a kid thing
Thanks for you reply! I see you are in TN. What a lovely place!
Oh thank you mymilliefleur! I am just amazed at how much easter eggers change in their looks from day to day. I didn't see any other rooish signs so was hoping it was just a kid thing
Thanks for you reply! I see you are in TN. What a lovely place!

No problem. Your EE looks like a pullet for now, nothing is screaming rooster. I know, it's amazing how they can change so much as they grow! And yes, it sure is!
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