Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

Okay, I posted this picture on another site, asking about why this EE has a raspy voice at 7 weeks old -- and someone said (s)he looks like a roo and maybe that explains the voice change. But from everything I've read here, she should be a pullet! That is...I think. I'm such a newbie at this it isn't even funny! LOL


Taken yesterday, sitting with my bantam Mille Fleur.

Here's the same one a couple weeks ago, with the two bantams (and another chicken's tail in the way):


And here's my other EE, who is like twice as big as the other one, but still peeps like a baby. LOL


Any thoughts? I'm really praying they're both pullets...I don't think I can keep roos in my neighborhood, but I'd hate to get rid of them!
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I'm not sure about gender here.. I can't tell from these pics.. As far as the voice I have a Brahma pullet that sounds like a goose.. LOL .. each bird is different
Hope it's a girl!
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Some chickens make a growly sound rather than your typical clucks. I have an EE like that. There's nothing wrong with her -- she's just different.

My cockerel does not growl. He makes sounds a lot like the pullets except when he's crowing.
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Thanks guys! That makes me feel much better.

(And sorry about the pictures...these beauty shots are the only pics I've got on this computer!)
Hi I posted this before, but I'm still clueless LOL.
Can you folks give me your opinion on this chicken.

The barred bird is a cockerel. Pretty sure I can see skinny feathers in the neck and saddle areas and the tail is classic roo.
That looks like a boy to me.. the tail looks very pointy in this pic.. How old is it?

About 13 weeks.
One more question, & pic, when do roos get their spurs?
Its 13 weeks now.


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