Eastern Washington

Chicken Friends,
Late last fall I had a hen start acting a tad bit broody. I'm now trying to come up with a game plan if this happens again since I think the likelyhood is strong. Have any of you purchased fertile eggs shipped through the mail and put them under a broody hen? Do any of you have Black copper Maran fertile eggs or Cream legbar or Easter Egger fertile eggs that I could get fast? I'm almost at my max capacity for my backyard. Dolly
I have put mailed eggs under a broody before with good success.
I am still on my quest for fun ones.  I got some Ameraucanas and Olive Eggers chicks but now....I would like some seramas.   Anyone know of anyone hatching or selling?  :)

Simons Family Chickens in Pasco has some serama, polish and silkie crosses. She occasionally has seramas, but I don't think she's seen much demand for them.
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Happy Easter and Good Morning! This thread has been pretty quiet lately and the E.WA/North Idaho thread has been busy busy. Is anyone doing any incubating? I am just starting the early stages of incubating a batch. Would be curious if anyone in (central) Eastern WA is incubating.
My gals are 5 years old right now, but continue to lay 1-2 eggs every day now that the warm weather has returned. I have 3 hens right now as I've never gotten around to getting more since they changed the laws within the city of Spokane.

Just starting a new coop and run build, it will allow more room for the gals and get them out from under my deck, which is fine, but they dug under the posts holding the coop up and are in danger of taking out an entire wall of the run of it falls! Deciding how big I want the run to be this morning, I want to ensure I can easily house 10 hens so I don't have to keep multiple coops going.
My gals are 5 years old right now, but continue to lay 1-2 eggs every day now that the warm weather has returned. I have 3 hens right now as I've never gotten around to getting more since they changed the laws within the city of Spokane.

Just starting a new coop and run build, it will allow more room for the gals and get them out from under my deck, which is fine, but they dug under the posts holding the coop up and are in danger of taking out an entire wall of the run of it falls! Deciding how big I want the run to be this morning, I want to ensure I can easily house 10 hens so I don't have to keep multiple coops going.
Hallo fellow spokanite!

My run is about 8 ft x10 ft and they do well, though I also let them roam the yard most days.

We're very active over on the North Idaho/ Eastern WA thread, if you like to chat.
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My current run is roughly 12' by 15' under our deck, lol. I walked out the area today and it looks like the new run will be 8' by 20', so a little smaller.
My gals are 5 years old right now, but continue to lay 1-2 eggs every day now that the warm weather has returned. I have 3 hens right now as I've never gotten around to getting more since they changed the laws within the city of Spokane.

Just starting a new coop and run build, it will allow more room for the gals and get them out from under my deck, which is fine, but they dug under the posts holding the coop up and are in danger of taking out an entire wall of the run of it falls! Deciding how big I want the run to be this morning, I want to ensure I can easily house 10 hens so I don't have to keep multiple coops going.

Rule of thumb is 10 sq ft per bird in the run and 4 sq ft per bird in the coop.

And welcome!

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