EcoGlow Chick Brooder

I wound up putting in an order for the EcoGlow 20 last night straight from the company. It will not ship until the latter part of March. (They must really be popular!) I cannot wait to get it! My babies will come on April 12th. And, from all I have read, this really seems to be the best way to get the babies started off in life!

Sorry I didn't answer you before, I forgot to subscribe to the thread! It's April 16, you should have your chicks by now... How are they liking their ecoglow? For the 16 last year, i turned it so that the black end was against the side of the box, with both edges of the ecoglow exposed so they could all spread out. By the end of the first week, some were sleeping just outside the edge of the brooder. Here's my latest batch of chicks (11) that arrived a week ago. I darn near fell into the box trying to get this photo with my phone. :p


And here they are- photo taken 5 minutes ago. At 1 week old and it's 65 in my house, they are all spread out not all of them are even underneath the heating element. Sorry for the messy top. Oops.
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I don't know. I ready to order but I'm shopping around for the best price. I am such a bargain hunter so I want to make sure I find the cheapest deal. Looks like so far buying direct would be the best way. I'll probably order tomorrow after I look a little more.
The best price you'll find is through directly. I have a coupon code for 10% off if you'd like to use it, but it's only good at Brinsea. Send me a PM or email for it: [email protected]
I just received mine 3 days ago. They had been on back order but a new shipment arrived and they were processing back orders. How do I know? I hounded the poor people at Brinsea because my chicks due to hatch any day! Got the brooder on wed, chicks started hatching that night. I love it! It is so much fun watching them run for cover and run back out again. The people at Brinsea were very helpful when I called and they also responded to my facebook messages and emails. (told ya I hounded them
) I would recommend the EcoGlow to anybody! I was won over by ADozenGirlz blog post about it :) Super glad I bought one for my chicks.
I LOVE the ecoglow .... I bought the 50 a few months ago.... Now I'm waiting for the 20... Everyone incubating chicks should invest in one....
I wish I had gotten mine sooner.... They work amazing...:p
I'll put a plug in for this as well, and have to say, when I got it two weeks ago, I was worried it wouldn't be sufficient for 2 day old chicks, I thought I might have to supplement with a heat lamp..It just didn't register the temp under it higher than 80, but then was told it is a different type of heat source.

Got my chicks on tuesday and they LOVE IT, no problems at all, I did not supplement with another heat source, I just kept an eye on them to see how they reacted.. No problems, and I am so glad I kept it vs sending it back and going with a heat lamp.

I was very paranoid about using a heat lamp because of fire, with this I don't worry about it at all. In fact this am, I think I'm going to raise it up, my chicks are growing like weeds and have been on top of it since they were 3 days old:)
I just received mine 3 days ago. They had been on back order but a new shipment arrived and they were processing back orders. How do I know? I hounded the poor people at Brinsea because my chicks due to hatch any day! Got the brooder on wed, chicks started hatching that night. I love it! It is so much fun watching them run for cover and run back out again. The people at Brinsea were very helpful when I called and they also responded to my facebook messages and emails. (told ya I hounded them
) I would recommend the EcoGlow to anybody! I was won over by ADozenGirlz blog post about it :) Super glad I bought one for my chicks.
That's so nice of you to say, thanks! Here's the blog post for anyone else who might like to read it:

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