Economy bout some free eggs? PA - WINNERS pg 14

I probably shouldn't be posting here....I don't NEED any eggs. I'm sure I can eventually get some to hatch (just not at this very moment). I currently own no chickens. I am working on building a small flock. I would love something different...a unique color, look etc.

An added bonus would be that my husband would have to finish my coop if there were chicks waiting for a home. I think some half grown chicks in the house would get him moving!

I also want to say thank you for being so kind. Hopefully one day I'll be in a place to make an offer and "pay it forward"
For the last three years I've been sunk in a deep depression that I thought there was no escaping. I've seen myself, as if from a distance, let my house become a disaster and let myself stop caring about my place in the world as I slipped into a pool of ever-increasing debt. Last summer, a dear friend told me that she hated to see what was happening and asked me if there was anything that I could do to improve my life. I said, "yes, go back to school to get a degree that will make more money." She urged me to take my GRE and apply to a school--and I got in! Since that time, I've become more engaged with the world and I'm starting to enjoy life again. I've worked hard in school and have completed two terms--and so far have maintained a 4.0 GPA in my studies toward a master's degree in Christian Counseling.

I decided shortly after starting school that I would further take my life back and improve my standard of living by having my own chickens and my own vegetables to put in my freezer, like my grandfather did so many years ago. One of the things that makes me so anxious when my work slows down (it is seasonal) is that I never seem to have enough food for me or for my dogs and having chicken, veggies, and pasta in my freezer would be a load off my mind! I also thought that I could use my artistic talents by decorating eggs using crochet, tatting, and pysanky to make money when my regular work is slow. I foresee chickens and their eggs as being my way out of working poverty and would appreciate any help that I can get from anyone.

Thanks for considering my essay for any eggs from white or colored egg layers, to help me with my decorating business!

Edited to add puppy pictures--because puppies add cuteness! (take *that* adorable children!)

Bonnie and Patty say . . .
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i would love to have some LF Lavender Araucana eggs. i just lost my EE chickens and my son didn't put my fav. hen up and the racoons got her she was a buff with black laced neck feathers. i would love the black and lavender babies.
I would be happy to have any eggs. I have recently become disabled and would like to hatch eggs with my grandson with whom we home school. He is 7 years old and loves anything that has to do with nature. I live in Arkansas.
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I really really really want some lovely pyncheons but I will not ask for them for free.. let me know when you have some for sale.I am jstu now getting my bator set up. I hav been MIA for way too long
I checked out your site, you have some beautiful chicckens. It is amazing what you are doing with your projects. I especially love the lavendar Orpingtons
I have a small flock, of 5 black astralopes, 2 white leghorns, 1 silkie (well 2 now, I have 1 week old one). and I have 1 buff orpington.

I moved home from FL 2 years ago to help my dad on his small hobby farm. I made my own incubator and started hatching eggs last year with my dad. We kept a few, but give some to our neighbors. And dad also shared the eggs with the neighbors and some to the food pantry.

Dad recently passed away in February due to an accident here on the farm. He was 86 years young. I thought about giving up and going back to FL, but I decided to stay on the farm & keep on with what we started.

Well I tried to think of a good reason why I should be considered for free eggs, but really couldn't come up with one. Anyway I think it is wonderful what you are doing.
Hats off to you.
And good luck to everyone !
You're so nice, I don't need anymore eggs, good lord I have 2 bators full, just wanted to say you're doing a good thing and it's nice to see it in a world like this one in its current state! Good luck to whom ever wins!!! I can't wait to see!!!
This is a generous thing you are doing; especially when times are so hard on everyone. Thank you. I believe in Karma and believe that good things come to those that do good deeds. I believe good things will come to you.

There's not really much I can say that everyone else hasn't already said, but here goes...

Like everyone else, I know there are so many more out there that are in more need than I am. We do M&M contracting for mortgage company's that have foreclosed on properties. You would think that with all the foreclosures we would be doing great. But it doesn't work like that. So many of the mortgage company's are going broke and the others have had to cut back on their expenses in order to survive. That means alot less work for us and it has taken its toll on us in the last 14 months. We lost our house and had to find something cheaper (smaller). In doing so; we had to sell and give away alot of our personal belongings because our new home isn't big enough to keep everything. BUT, we still have a job and we still have a home. We still have each other, and all 8 of us still have our good health. That is alot more than what some people have right now. For that I am greatful.

My husband and I decided that raising chickens would be a good way not only to offset a small portion of our food bill, but also insures us of good organic food as well. We have gathered free materials from properties we work on, freecycle, and craigslist to build our chicken coop. I have been saving my dart winnings for several months now to buy baby chicks because I don't have enough saved yet to buy both eggs and an incubator... only one or the other.

My parents raised chickens when I was a kid so I'm not totally new to chickens (although I know I still have more to learn). I have decided to go with Orpingtons because they are known for being so docile. They are a univeral bird that can provide meat for the table as well as eggs, and they seem to lay throughout the year. I would be grateful for any kind of orpington hatching egg, but I fell in love with the blue, black, splash, and lavendar. Unfortunately, they are hard to find and when you do find them, they cost alot more than the "plain" buff orps. More than what I have saved at the moment anyway.

I look forward to being able to "pay it forward" someday with my own flock of birds and eggs.

Thank you once again for such a generous offer to some deserving family.

I appreciate your generosity. I am blessed with food, house & clothing on my back. The milk check is barely reaching to cover our costs. Right now I have BR but my first chickens were BO. I would really like to get some Orpingtons again. I have an incubator that is empty and I would like to try. I would like any your Orpington eggs and would let you decide on which colors. I would hope to pass along the favor to someone in the future should I receive these eggs and have extra. Thanks for your offer. Sheryl
Hi Jody, what a great idea. I have seen many of your posts on here and read most of them trying to learn as much as I can. I love your lavender projects, and have drooled over them, as purple is my favorite color. My husband and I started out with someone giving us 4 hens and 1 roo back in the late fall of 2008. I didn't think much about it then but have since come to the light what a blessing that was. Back in the begining of December my DH lost his job.......long story short he has not been able to find another, one due to the economy and two because he is older and most places see him as past his prime. Which is sad, because he can do as much if not more than a 30 year old. He has started repairing tractors to try and make ends meet but most people right now just don't seem to want to spend any money on even that. I work a full time job, but my pay is not near enough to cover our bills. My 2 sons have recently had to move back in with us also. My oldest just returned home from the Navy and my youngest goes to college, which he pays for himself, lost his part time job. We have a garden and have started selling organic veggies and want to sell eggs also. I would feel very blessed to get some of your eggs to hatch. I have hatched some barnyard mutts that were given to us and some of our eggs that are game chickens. Thanks so much for listening/reading my long winded reply to your post.


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