EEEk! Price increase @ TSC

The feed prices suddenly went up in my area, too. From $16.99 for a bag of Flock Raiser to $18.99! Not a happy discovery.
Just came back from TSC - Dumor layer went from $12.39/50 lbs to $13.89. UGH. Going to really have to investigate buying by the pallet load. I have a few people that will go in with me on it. Just a hassle to do though.
Pretty interesting to see how the exact same company and product has such a range of pricing in the same country...I just paid $12.99 for Layena crumbles from my local feed dealer,
$16.99 for BOSS, $9.99 for Flockblock....and $13.99 for a new brooder lamp...just in case we might have a need for one
TSC always seems to be a bit higher to me, still stop in to see what's new there, but prefer the personal service from the feedstore.
We don't even have a feed store. Well, the closest one is almost an hour away. Takes the savings right out when you factor in gas. TSC is less expensive than Agway, which is more like a garden store that sells feed.
An update, since I bought the feed @ TSC. I visited a local feed store and purchased Hubbard brand for $13.99.
However, in having a conversation w/the guy who owns the feed store (total added benefit in visiting a local feed store) he warned me of rising prices. He said that this week's 50lb bag of BOSS is $20, however, next week it will be $24. He said the prices are increasing very fast, and steep. I ended up buying a bag of broiler feed as well, for some meaties that are coming mid-March, just to start stocking up on cheaper prices.
the BOSS at TS today was $13.99 it was $14.99 during the week.the pine shavings are on sale 2/$9.00. a $1.50 saving form another store i use the sale ENDS the 27 of feb. so if your like me. RUN FOR IT WHILE THE GETTING IS GOOD !! i just hate this thing of price increass the gas goes up there fore so does everything else.

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