Eggs what do you do with surplus??????????????

Yeah, that's definetly the way I would think! It's ridiculas the way some peopel think!! Ask these same "friends" if they know how much feed cost!! Even my MIL will buy eggs from me even though for every 2 or 3 dozen she buys I give her 5 or 6 dozen!!

I give away some here and there and always tell that person when they offer to pay. "When I give them to you then I'm giving them to you. If you ask for eggs you pay $2.00 a dozen!"

We have someone that's giving us a fridge that the thermostat is messed up on. Hubby's going to fix it and we can keep all the extra eggs in there. Cause that's the only reason it's a big deal to have all these extra eggs no room!!!

ya see I thought I was being unreasonable but when you break it down and see how much feed costs and the little extras they are given so they produce good quality eggs I said to myself they are just being greedy. so today I posted on my FB status that eggs are 2.50 a dozen and those who want fresh good quality farm eggs should send me a message. If they do they do, and if they don't well I got a food bank, the church, the veterans club, a nursing home, the women's abuse shelter, and a teenage shelter in my area who I know more than anything will benefit from these eggs. Oh and my daughter school, which has a hot lunch program!! I would never dream of charging these groups any money because of how much they already do for the community!! but for my so called friends who make an excellent living and still expect free its atrocious. thank you for siding with me on this matter and all these recipes and ideas are things my kids/DH love.

I give eggs to my neighbours for free, every summer/fall they give me baskets of fresh vegetables I don't already have growing here and fruit. If they go hunting they always drop off a roast of what ever they caught. Another neighbour's husband is my borrow hubby for anything I need around the house I cannot do, like if my well goes down he will come prime it, or mow 3 or 4 acres of land to keep bugs down in his tractor at no charge because hubby is gone for work all the time again and I got my toddler who makes things impossible to the third neighbour always drops off home made jams and jars or different relishes and sauces and vanilla fudge for the kids. If I have to go away they watch my place too.

the lady that said she would buy them for .75 cents...I said well Gee try a dozen, and if you change your mind well they are 2.50, she took the dozen, but I bet she will never buy any!!! which is fine by me!!
Then GIVE them the eggs. Charge them a bag of feed for every 5 dozen you "give" them for free
Seems like more folks want something for nothing these days.

they would fall off their seats if I charged them for a bag of feed ahahahahaha
Yeah, that's definetly the way I would think! It's ridiculas the way some peopel think!! Ask these same "friends" if they know how much feed cost!! Even my MIL will buy eggs from me even though for every 2 or 3 dozen she buys I give her 5 or 6 dozen!!

I give away some here and there and always tell that person when they offer to pay. "When I give them to you then I'm giving them to you. If you ask for eggs you pay $2.00 a dozen!"

We have someone that's giving us a fridge that the thermostat is messed up on. Hubby's going to fix it and we can keep all the extra eggs in there. Cause that's the only reason it's a big deal to have all these extra eggs no room!!!


there is a lady a few dirt roads over who has like 300 to 400 chickens all Layers...her hubby bought her a double sided fridge and its always packed. I think my price is reasonable for now, 2.50 she sells her eggs for 3.00 and I have always bought them from her until my chickens began to lay. She knows practically everyone and not a single one of her customers would mind paying more if she asked them to.

the fridge idea is great..but how long do eggs keep being stored int he fridge?? I know fr sure the walmart eggs I used to buy where likely already 6 to 8 weeks old by the time they hit my I would presume because of processing/packing/transportation times.
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When we have extras I'll make up a big batch of breakfast burritos....sausage, potato, spinich, salsa, cheese, egg, whatever's in the fridge
Make the burritos up and wrap in wax paper, put in a ziploc and freeze. They're great for THOSE mornings when even scrambling a few eggs is too much, but kiddos still gotta eat. I do the same with french toast, cook it, flash freeze, put in ziploc and pull out as needed. We frequently have breakfast for dinner. I'll sometimes add an extra egg to cakes, etc, just for the richness and moistness. The dogs love them and I'll give them to the cats, especially if I have a nursing mama. I've had specific people at work or church I'll gift with eggs, people I know are having a hard time or older folks who really appreciate farm fresh eggs. I've also had people expect me to give them's sometimes hard on a relationship. You can donate them to food pantries, or just think of a struggling with lots of kids, probably, and only one income......I'm sure you're nodding your head...........they'd love some!
yup I was nodding my head ahahaha. I do know of a family with three sets of bringing this up reminded me of them and they all love eggs cause I went to a church breakfast once and they were there. And they are nice people too!!! I invited them my daughter bday party and the mom helped me with everything, there were like 25 kids under the age of 7 and only 4 parents, her her hubby my one good friend and was nuts!!!
I do all the usual things with eggs, but also add them into tuna salad. One egg per can of tuna (with pickles chopped up, too).
I have people at work who buy eggs, but I give away a lot, too. I give my neighbors free eggs here and there, and my family gets free eggs. None of them ever asked for them, and maybe that's why I feel so good about giving them. There are a couple people I work with who are basically supporting their families on a single income, with a husband out of work. I offer them free eggs, quietly. It's no-one else's business if I give them away for free or what I do with them.
My little hens love getting scrambled eggs, and so do my dogs.
I'm going to look into the local food pantry next.

My only problem with selling them at work, is that some people take so long to pay! I had one person wait for about a month, and then she told me she was going to pay me, but she might have to take it out of her children's vacation fund, and she would try to find change in her pockets or purse. (Later, I found out she had forgotten to take her eggs home from work, and had lost them in the refrigerator.) She basically accused me of charging her for them and then taking them back home! We did find them in the refrigerator later, and I raised heck with her for leaving them there---one of the advantages of my eggs is that they are very fresh. You don't buy them and then leave them in the fridge at work for an extended period of time. Another buyer picked out a dozen small pullet eggs, for which I charged two dollars, and he didn't pay me for weeks, either. Eventually he did, but how long does it take to scrape together two dollars? I don't think I'll sell to either of them again.
I didn't know that you can freeze eggs, but I do make all of those high egg recipes so we never have any extras, even with 12 laying hens we still buy 2-3 dozen eggs a week!

Yep, you can freeze them. They are not quite "good" for scrambling after frozen, but there is no difference in baked products that call for eggs. Thawed scrambled eggs are kind of rubbery textured. I don't like them. Baked goods though, they taste just like fresh to me.

You folks eat a lot of eggs!!! I'd never go through THAT many even with my freezing and cooking habits!

Right now there are 13 people (9 adults and 5 kids) living in this house all with huge appetites, and backyard eggs are cheapest protein source around so we eat a lot! we got some more hens but we are still waiting for them to start laying, hopefully with all of them we won't need to buy eggs!

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