Eggs what do you do with surplus??????????????

Send them my way!!!

Omelet, custard, flan, rice pudding
Angel food cake takes a LOT of egg whites
then repeat the cycle.

If you really have more than you can use, find someone who is struggling but too proud to accept help from a public agency. A "lot" of older retired folks do fall into this category. They often desperately need the protein in their diet. You can give them eggs but in a way that allows them to keep their dignity -- sort of a "Hey, I have some extra eggs. They are going to go to waste, would you like some?" If they insist on paying you, work out a trade instead -- get them to teach you a skill, a new recipe, etc. It works for everyone and saves their budget. (Learn to crochet, knit, quilt, etc. Or, tell them you love to listen to stories, and would they mind telling you about....whatever topic seems appropriate. )
I barter mine, so far I haven't had to buy veggies, fruit ect also got my lawn mowed. The way the economy is going the barter system is about the only way people can afford things
The last time I had a lot of eggs I took a dozen to each of the neighbors with a note inside as to how to handle them--they were unwashed and would keep, unrefrigerated--and if they wanted more they'd be $2 a dozen. That got me a bunch of sales--our nearest neighbor has relatives in NJ and each time they go to visit or have visitors from there, she buys all I have. Aside from that we have a spare refrigerator that I store them in and if it gets too full we take them to the local food bank. Our rules is: us first; then our daughters; then sell; then give away to those in need. No freebies otherwise.
I think when I get to the point where I have excess eggs that I cannot sell or give to family, I'm probably gonna donate them to a local food bank or "soup kitchen" or some place that provides meals for the hungry rather than let them go to waste. That could always be an option for you if you get overrun.

I could very easily find myself in your shoes if I'm not careful. We started out thinking we'd get 2-3 hens. Long story short, 5 months into this hobby now, and we are up to 6 (only 1 laying, 4 more about to start, and 1 that is only 3 months old). Chicken math happens like that... I could see myself with a big flock like yours if I had the space.

On the bright side, congrats on having such good layers!
Surplus? Whats that???

I sell every egg I can produce locally. If some are just too dirty, or too small, or cracked, I scrambled them up for the puppies and the chickens.

Edited to say: I would love to donate to the local food banks, but they won't accept perishables.
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Don't forget egg noodles. I make a few batches of noodles or spagetti or lasagne noodles and freeze them. Nothing like fresh pasta. ...and then, of course there is pasta carbonara, made with the noodles you just got done making.

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