embarrassing moment lol


8 Years
Jun 16, 2011
New York
I bought myself a treadmill deciding i was going to start exercising regularly. being told music is a great motivator and distracts you from the tedious tasking of walking/running like a hamster in a wheel. I learned yes it does but on the other hand make sure you are walking/running fast enough to not get carried away and start singing and dancing as this will make you crash into a wall and get ambushed by a 3 month old puppy who will start jumping/ licking/ and bitting you in places that already hurt...... maybe i should just sell the treadmill
It's sounds like lots of fun at your house. At least the dog is only 3 months old, at my house the dog is much bigger, and would definitely be in the middle of the action.
Sounds like fun! You've got to love a friendly dog, don't ya?
Never been on a treadmill myself. I prefer to go running down at the park, if I can be bothered going out for a run to start with.
we have an older lab/husky mix shes 4 thank god she was outside or it would have been much worse she would have ran me down like a lawn tractor.
LoL, now that's a visual!

My dogs keep trying to get on it with me, guess they want to go for a walk too!

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