emergency duck egg rescue incubation

update 19 day and counting down for my duck eggs, they are all doing great
After a lot of thought we've opened up the eggs and the same both membranes really dry n shell hard... another 1 died this mornin as the one with the blob had pipped in the membrane... however the other 2 seem to be doin ok... have seen 1 of their faces and has its eyes are open the other still has its head tucked under its wing... both are giving the occasional tweet... we're wetting the membrane and gently takin it back once clear of veins.. how are yours doin (aslheyponygurl)
And dates are definatly correct because I didn't know she was sitting on eggs and thought she was poorly as she'd not been out all day.. the next mornin I had a quick look as she went for some food and a swim to find the 15 eggs.. there she sat up untill day 25 when she chose to abondoned them
He's about halfway out of his egg now, he had made no progress this morning so I checked the inner membrane and wetted it and all veins receeded so I opened his hole bigger and he's almost halfway outnow :)
Well he is fully out of the egg now! He is resting then learnig to walk then resting, he makes peeps every time he sees me, though I only see one eye open. He is also dragging his shell around by a vein near his butt... I haven't tried to pull it off or anything I just let it dry and break off on its own right?
Well it broke off but he is bleeding a little and his belly button is red and swollen and seems to be where its coming from so I believe what I read to do at this point is put them in a cup? I stuck a dry paper towel in the bottom of the cup to hopefully help it dry and clot, please tell me this sounds rich? And if not what I should!d be doing? He is peeping lots now too!

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