Emu pictures and stories.... post them here

I am practicing with a new video editor (CyberLink Power Director 10). I don't know why, when I upload to YouTube or Vimeo, the video becomes blurry and the colors distorded. I think it has to do with being recorded in High Definition? Not sure.... Anyway, this editor has an "easy editor," which is what they call a "magic movie wizard." It takes the clips you submit, and makes it into a video. If you want music, you choose that yourself, and then the wizard puts it all together. So, here is one of my practice videos....

We have 8 Canadian geese that seem to be quite comfortable around us. I keep trying to chase the darn things out of the yard. I had Fred and Wilma help me this time....

so so pretty thank you so much for sharing , my emu's love to be hosed down now that they are older and they swim really good . I didn't know they could swim till one year they started swimming across the large pond scared me when I saw them go out so far but all was well .
Morning, Drumlogic. It’s hospitable to address all questions:

I know nothing – but I thought that you blow an egg by poking a hole in the end, and then sticking in, say, a knitting needle, and shmooshing the contents up in order to make the blowing easier. That is . . . would you know that an egg had been a double-yoker?

Perhaps you’d get a reliable report from someone who made emu-egg omelettes. There have been just a couple of mentions of this in the years of the posts here.

Supreme Emu

I have seen them before and they have an odd shape to them. From all the people I have talked to, they said they could tell right away when they had one by the odd shape.
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More photos!

ALLLLL four eggs hatched! 100% hatch rate I'm so happy... Now how do I sex them?

you can vent sex or have them DNA sexed

some people will swear that you can sex them by the patterns on their head.. IT IS NOT RELIABLE
wasn't even close in my case.. we ended up with the vast majority being boys.. by head pattern we should have had about 50% girls too
Hi! :) Can I join? I have an emu, Stuart. I just saw this thread and was amazed I wasn't the only one with an emu! :D
Here is Stuart:

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