Emu pictures and stories.... post them here

Hi, CrazyClucker.

Welcome! You don’t have to have an emu to hang out here. We aren’t prejudiced folk. We like people with all sorts of birds!!

Stuart seems a lovely emua. Tell us more about him. Is he adult? Are you sure he is a Stuart not a Stuartina? How tame is he?

Supreme Emu
congrats! you can vent sex or have them DNA sexed some people will swear that you can sex them by the patterns on their head.. IT IS NOT RELIABLE wasn't even close in my case.. we ended up with the vast majority being boys.. by head pattern we should have had about 50% girls too
how do i get them dna sexed and how much does that cost?
Hi, CrazyClucker.

Welcome! You don’t have to have an emu to hang out here. We aren’t prejudiced folk. We like people with all sorts of birds!!

Stuart seems a lovely emua. Tell us more about him. Is he adult? Are you sure he is a Stuart not a Stuartina? How tame is he?

Supreme Emu

Hi! :)
I'm not sure how old Stuart is. He was given to us by our neighbor who didn't want him any more. We aren't sure if he is a boy or girl. His previous owner didn't know, and we aren't about to spend hundreds of dollars to DNA sex him. His previous owner named him Stuart, so it just stuck.
Wa ha ha . . . could be Stuartina!!

If you are six feet tall, and Stuart could stretch up and put his beak on the top of your head, he’s adult – two years or older, CrazyClucker.

Got any scars?

I think that young birds – just two years; that is, young adults – tend to be neat-looking and glossy; but that is perhaps just a wild-bird thing. The pet birds in the photos here are fine, glossy creatures, much better looking than the wild birds. I love both Greedy and Felicity, but they are both pretty scruffy looking!

Tell us about his calls, CC.

Supreme Emu
Emu Guy--
Stuart can only reach my neck... I'm a pretty tall person, anyways.
Scars? On Stuart or me?
Stuart makes these sounds that sound like a high-pitched wa wa wa!

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