ENDED Need Easter Egger Pics For Blog Today


Feb 17, 2017
South Carolina
Hi, I own a blog with my sister, @ChickenMama6RIR, and we write a blog every Monday and every time a new month begins, so, today we are writing a blog about... Easter Eggers! Yay, right!!! :) Well, we can't find any public domain pictures of Easter Egger roosters or hens! We are really needing some rooster and hen pictures by you to use on our blog! :)

Here is the form! :)

(Picture goes here)


Please do enter and remember, if you enter, it has to be a picture you are comfortable putting out in the world! :) Also there is no guarantee that your photo will be used. I would love to have a variety of Easter Egger pictures! Like if you have a reddish brown EE and someone else has a silver EE that's fine! You don't have to send pics of just traditional looking EEs. Give me what you got :) Also, I am looking for Easter Egger egg photos. I know that there is no guarantee of what color you will get with an EE and that is one thing I would like to express on my blog :) If you have multiple EEs and they lay different color eggs send me a pic of all of them! I would love to use that too. If all your EEs only lay one color of egg, I would love to see that too! What I want is the Easter Egger breed and all of its uniqueness. All birds are special, so send in the pics. Never feel your EE isn't special, they are all special in there own way! Thanks in advance for the photos :D

Please visit our blog at,
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Here are a few pictures of my girls!
3/4 are clean-faced, so not your average EE.....hope that'll be okay!

Breed: EE
Gender: Hen
Age: 2 years
Name: Elise

Breed: EE
Gender: Hen
Age: 2 years
Name: Jaylin

Breed: EE
Gender: Hen
Age: 2 years
Name: Eve

Breed: EE
Gender: Hen
Age: 1 year
Name: Ava





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