Environmentally friendly egg shipping


12 Years
Mar 5, 2009
Lucerne Valley, CA
I'm looking for a way to ship eggs that doesn't use plastic. Any ideas? I have been wrapping them in toilet paper, putting them in egg cartons and filling a box with newspapers. I recently had a customer throw a fit because some of the eggs arrived broken and she was sure it was because of the packing (because I didn't use bubble wrap!!). Although this is the first unsatisfied customer, so maybe I shouldn't be looking for another way and just dismiss the complaint as an unlucky fluke.

Regardless, I've already typed this up so I'll post it anyways. Anyone have environmentally friendly shipping ideas?
Hi, I understand your ecological issues about using bubble wrap, but I received eggs with tissue and they did not ship well at all. 12 sent and broken and shaken eggs. The problem is is that cushioning is not provided by the toilet paper. There are no air pockets to absorb the shocks and bumps along the way.

Might I suggest you look for bubble wrap that was more ecologically what you wanted? Our shipping method is described in our listings below if you want to take a look at it. I find that egg cartons are not sturdy enough in a box either and the best hatches I ever got from shipped eggs wwere when I was able to ask the seller to ship using our method. Hope this is helpful and have a blessed day.

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