Exciting news about our next GSD pup!


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
Exciting to us, anyhow.
When it came time to pick the parents of our next GSD we had to decide between having a pup as closely blood-related to our Jax as possible or a pup from the breeder's other male, the son of a champion.
To get one that is a full brother to Jax, we'd have to wait until his sire was bred again with his dam and the breeder won't be pairing those two again until late next year. We don't want to wait that long.
We decided instead on a pup due in December from Jax's sire and his dam's sister.
I've been in almost constant contact with the breeder because I just can't wait for these pups to be born.
I just had an email from them. It turns out that the dam of the new pups is the daughter of the other sire, the son of the champion.
We'll be getting the best of both of their sires.
Just wanted to share!
Thanks! I'm so excited I can't stand it! We didn't get to enjoy real babyhood with Jax since he was 13 weeks old when we got him.
I'd go and play midwife to the dam if I could.

ETA: We'll be going to pick out the new pup when he is around two weeks old, so I'll be sure to post pics.
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