Faverolles Thread

My daughter is in 4h and has done real roll with her poultry. We have come to love this breed! But need to find a breeder who has incubating eggs or will send birds. Can't find a breeder in iowa or illinois. Anyone help please???
It's been a while since I've visited, but I'm just throwing another line out to see if anyone has a nice LF white Faverolle rooster. My white hen has turned out lovely even after molting. She's a lovely mother and I want a mate for her! Also, I have fallen in love with my Sussex faverolle crosses. I call them my bearded eagle chickens:) is anyone else doing that? I am also looking for another Faverolle rooster. I would like a nice big one, perhaps from cloverleaf's old pack? Thanks for your help and happy new year everyone!
Hello everyone. I am in search of bantam salmon faverolles. I would like to purchase anything over 6 weeks. Unsexed is fine by me. Would like them to come from quality stock. Can anyone direct me to a great breeder please. Message is preferable. Thank you in advance.
Hello everyone. I am in search of bantam salmon faverolles. I would like to purchase anything over 6 weeks. Unsexed is fine by me. Would like them to come from quality stock. Can anyone direct me to a great breeder please. Message is preferable. Thank you in advance.
At 6 weeks of age it is easy to tell cockerels from pullets. Leisha Comer (comerspoultry) has bantams, so does Dick Horstman. He only has chicks for sale though, shipping this March and April.
Hello everyone. I am in search of bantam salmon faverolles. I would like to purchase anything over 6 weeks. Unsexed is fine by me. Would like them to come from quality stock. Can anyone direct me to a great breeder please. Message is preferable. Thank you in advance.

You're going to find several more breeders on the west coast. Unfortunately, I don't know if they are in the "danger zone" that is experiencing the bird flu they've discovered.

West coast people - please make yourselves known!
It's been a while since I've visited, but I'm just throwing another line out to see if anyone has a nice LF white Faverolle rooster. My white hen has turned out lovely even after molting. She's a lovely mother and I want a mate for her! Also, I have fallen in love with my Sussex faverolle crosses. I call them my bearded eagle chickens:) is anyone else doing that? I am also looking for another Faverolle rooster. I would like a nice big one, perhaps from cloverleaf's old pack? Thanks for your help and happy new year everyone!

You're going to have a hard time finding one, but I can ask around. LF whites are very rare, and people tend to hold onto them - even the extra males.
Well maybe someone would want to have my LF white fav hen then? We all love her, but I'd like to help her mate and have cute little white favs however it may work out.
I have been speaking to a couple breeders and I am also on the hunt for LF white Faverolles. I know of Leisha's birds which came from the Pattersons but I am looking for any other hidden ones out there.
I currently have a couple chicks that have white in the background but I need a white bird or two to help pull that out. Any help would be great.

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