Favorable "sound" memories from your childhood

Mom waking my sister and me up playing Kris Kristopherson, Johnny Cash (Sunday Morning Coming Down), Waylon Jennings, & Elvis on the phonograph. To this day, everytime I hear Sunday Morning Coming Down, I think of when mom would wake us up playing it.

The sound of the train whistle when it went through the intersection in Rockfish.

The sound of the frogs at the pond

The owls hooting in the woods

Laying in bed at night with the windows up, listening to the rain as it moved in.

Sure do wish things now were as simple as they were then.
Sure do wish things now were as simple as they were then.
Me too!!!
Gosh things just seemed or were so much "simpler" back then.
I love all the post, some remind me of things I had forgotten. While others take me away to the country...a vintage country life that seems like a distant dream.

If I knew things were going to get so crazy as an adult, I would have fought harder for my childhood...hell I just might go on a child hood strike, if only!!
I can almost smell the morning glories opening with dew dripping off of them making them shine so brightly in the early morning sun.
What a lovely thread! It makes me realise how different our life experiences are. I lived as a child in London an remember the comforting sound of a police serjeant's stick tapping on the kerbstone. In those far off days, no police radios and every evening, at a prearranged street corner, the serjeant would tap his stick as a signal to his constables on their beat to come to him. If one failed to answer, a search could be made, not that this ever happened in my experience. A comforting thought that as we slept, the peace was being kept.
Grain dryers going in the hot summer nights, could hear them over our window fans. Now I sleep with a fan in the summer and a humidifier in the winter. Found out my brother does too, we both "blame" it on those grain silos drying all late summer and fall less than 1/2 mile from our house! The white noise was soothing and still makes me sleepy!
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Whip-poor-wills. rain on the tin roof. crickets. The train tracks are far enough away that the sound isn't too loud, but it's loud enough t make people think its closer than it is. Hard to explain, ha! I like the whistle, but I love the sound of the freighters rumbling through.

My dad is a logger, and there are carpenters in the family, so I Love the sound of saws. Chainsaws, hand saws, circular saws, etc. and I love the smell of sawdust.

I am hard of hearing, so I appreciate some sounds more than others. I remember when I first got my hearing aids, I heard my little boy whisper in my ear for the first time. I appreciate the sounds of just about everything. I've spent the last few years thinking, "wow I never knew what I was missing."
The sound of gentle waves on a rock beach just as the tide is changing on a dead calm bay.

The sound of the curfew siren in the summer.

Grouse drumming in the woods.

The whole scent and sound of riding horseback, the mixed scent of hay, sawdust and manure; the smells of leather, saddle soap and neat's foot oil, the woof the horse makes when you tighten the girth, the sound of the swing into the saddle and the sound of the hoof beats.

The sound and smell of hitting caps on the metal step we had. I loved the smell more than the sound.

My mom calling "come and get it or I'll throw it in the crick" before dinner.

The song of robins and varied thrush, and the call of ravens.

The soft, soft sound of large wet snowflakes falling on a still night.

The smell of rain on willow and high bush cranberries in the fall.

The smell of rain on a dirt road on a summer day.

The smell of ferns and moss in the woods when hiking.

The scent of alder and willow...it smells so green it is hard to believe that you can't smell color.

My dad's Old Spice.
The cry of the mourning dove

The sound of something in the fireplace shutting open and closed in the wind

My uncle's car starting up early in the morning

Waking up to my mother running on the treadmill above my room

Rain dripping from the edges of the house at night

The loads and loads of crickets

The gentle hissing of the freeway overpass, which happened to closer than I always thought it was

The sound of our neighbor's cars slowly driving down the jagged road

The sound the gas stove made when you turned it on

My grandad slowly making his way up the stairs and speaking

The abundance of squirrels and their bizarre sounds

The teenaged neighbor arguing with her mother, loudly at that, and usually at strange hours
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Sitting outside on a warm summer evening listening to dishes rattle as my mother cleaned up after dinner. Evertime I am outside and hear that sound (from any house), it reminds me of my childhood and is really comforting to me.

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