Favorable "sound" memories from your childhood

The bubbling sound of cheap plastic aquarium filters.

The call of the hungry seagull.

Ocean waves caressing the sand.

Howling hurricane winds.

Water slapping the aluminum canoe.

The rumble of an irritated alligator.

Flatulent brother.
TV playing the national anthem around 1 in the morning (at least on Sundays later thru the week) the tone that went with the test pattern (color vertical bar test pattern, yes I am younger than some but others here will wonder what's a test pattern) listening late at night to far away am stations, after storms come through the area or near by tuning in stations off the antenna from areas you'd never gotten before. riding a school bus and the smell of the school on opening day and new textbooks. new clothes for school the scent of new denim.
The sound of my dads voice at 4:30AM telling my brother and me to wake up to go pheasant hunting. His voice again in the summer waking my brother and me up to go fresh water fishing and then the sound of him loading the 12ft aluminum Sears john boat into the back of the Ford Country Squire Wagon. Sometimes it was accompanied by some colorful vocabulary that is not permitted here. Remember it like it was yesterday even though it was 40 years ago. He has been gone almost ten years,miss him, the good times and the bad ones too.
The Grandfather Clock. I was an Air Force Brat, and we never lived in the same place more than 3 years. But no matter where I woke up, within a half-hour, I would hear the sound that let me know that I was home.
Screen door slamming....
Sleeping to the sound of a floor fan on a hot summer night with the windows open. I still love it today.

Waking up to the sound of the factory whistle telling me it's time for school.

Waking up and looking out the window and first thing you see is the
pasture covered with dew and the horses happily grazing, so sparkly and fresh looking...like a new day!

Cutting fresh roses with my great grandfather...you just can't buy roses that smell like.

Coffee smell in the morning on Me Maw's house-boat while getting ready for a day of deep sea fishing. Everybody had a chore, mine and MeMaw's keep the coffee percolating while the men prepare the boat.

Funny, even bad smelling things remind me of my childhood.
Fish reminds me of time on the coast; fishing & cleaning fish.
Horse manure from cleaning the stalls.

O and the rope tire swing in the backyard....my cousins and I trying to see how many of us we could get on it at one time...I have a large family......good times!!!!

Man I miss my childhood. At the time...to young to understand why my father was always telling me to "enjoy my childhood, stop trying to grow up so fast"....."take your time, adulthood will come soon enough"......and boy howdy did it!
Yep I remember the floor fan humming on a hot day or staring at the ceiling fan, trying to take a nap

Smell of fresh rain out in the country.

Robins chirping in the morning, horses nickering.......

Yep, the screen door slamming!

Creaking from the long swing seat from the front porch, back and forth, back and forth

Winds rustling the trees

Toads and frogs making their mating calls heard, at the pond

Bacon sizzling

Fireplace wood popping

Fluffers (Keeshond) whining, begging at the supper table

Rain making their soft drum beats upon the metal oil can

Clicking of the electric fence

Hearing the church organ off the distance

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