February Chicks

I am so sad to hear that!
I ordered my chickens on strombergschickens and their work is fantastic! I ordered 25, got 27. They shipped it in 48hours and they were all alive! I had some trouble with one (as said in my other post) but I saved her and now she is doing super great running with the others!
I read so much about chicks dying and I'm really happy that my 27 chicks made it so far! They are a week old now! I still don't know the breeds, I'm new to raising chickens and I ordered a pack of brown egg layers. If anyone know?

My little Krishna is the one on the right with a dot on her head!

There are my babies!!!!
oh! i always wnadered about buckeyes...o and Leblackbird is that a ee in your profile pic? my babies r for sure coming 2 morrow sorry for the long wait

Naw, That is one of my Black Ameraucana roosters from an early early project
I was breeding them for a while

I'm sorry to hear about the death rate, hopefully the next shipment will turn out alright
we just got another shipment of murray mcmurray chicks today! my mum is bringing them back from rapid city right now as i type! here they r! mobile update on facebook! the surprise chick is a polish and every one is happy and healthy!
So cute!! What a nice assortment of colors. We are expecting 26 chicks from McMurray on the 19th or 20th. I'm do excited and nervous :) Did you order one of their assortments or pick all your breeds?

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