Febuary hatch a long

I've had those breech chicks before. Unfortunately, none of mine ever made it.
You may get lucky though, so hang in there!
It didn't make it..
I did an eggtopsy, sorry, couldn't bear to take pictures, such a pretty little thing...I looks like it had absorbed about 95% of the yolk...so not really sure why it died, just sad..

Got 4 out, 5 pips and 3 wiggles.... My hatch seems pretty staggered. Figured I would be a day late... Whats weird is that the eggs that I set are the ones so far to hatch, got three more in there that have pipped..The ones I bought local are the ones that seem to not be very strong...One had piped yesterday and still not doing much.. I had told the guy 1/3 of the eggs I purchased from him weren't fertile but it may well be his flock isn't very healthy also.
25 days for marans is good to hear.... I have a batch of silkies due to hatch on Saturday, and still nothing from my marans eggs..... so I will wait until Monday before I toss them..... nothing stinks yet
5 out, 5 more pipped, expect to wake up to those hatched out or close to it... Candled a few others and it looks like a few more have pipped the air cell, had to remove one, obviously dead, Clear fluid at pointy end that wasn't there before...some look alive, can see some red blood vessels but the air cells look small, they may take a few days if they hatch at all..

Can MG be treated and cured? Are you going to cull your flock and start over if it cannot be cured?  Do you know what causes it?

the symptoms can be cured, but the disease stays with them. You can not breed. I can not cull so ima see if someone wiuld want them. Their eggs and meat can still be eatten but u cant breed them.
So far, day 23....chicks out 12 out of 25 eggs that make it to lockdown, removed 3 eggs that had passed, (could tell as there was a lot of clear fluid at pointy end that wasn't there before) One more egg has pipped, candled the remaining 9 and there is movement in two...another two or three have very large air cells but I couldn't see any movement, will give them another 24 hours and check again...

All in all I am glad to have fuzzy butts but disappointed in the hatch rate.. I will certainly try a dry hatch next time around to see the difference... My temperature and humidity was stable with the exception of day 3 when we lost power.....DH wondered if trying to incubate in the winter plays a role, my best hatch was done in September.
So far, day 23....chicks out 12 out of 25 eggs that make it to lockdown, removed 3 eggs that had passed, (could tell as there was a lot of clear fluid at pointy end that wasn't there before) One more egg has pipped, candled the remaining 9 and there is movement in two...another two or three have very large air cells but I couldn't see any movement, will give them another 24 hours and check again...

 All in all I am glad to have fuzzy butts but disappointed in the hatch rate.. I will certainly try a dry hatch next time around to see the difference... My temperature and humidity was stable with the exception of day 3 when we lost power.....DH wondered if trying to incubate in the winter plays a role, my best hatch was done in September.

Very similar to my hatch...although a dry hatch would not work for me, I think. Humidity is exceptionally dry here right now. I may consider trying a dry hatch in summer when humidity is more likely to be favorable. I believe higher ambient humidity plays a role on whether a dry hatch is successful or not. I would do some research into this, if I weren't so busy right now. Got another hatch just set today in a different incubator. :p

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