Feedback on Learning Center "Treats Chart"

excellent info my chooks are going to be happy tonight and forever on thanks
I have to disagree about the citrus-many people put a couple of orange halves in with shipped birds mostly for the moisture they contain. I have fed birds citrus on many occasions w/no apparent ill affect.
Maybe your chickens are smarter than any I've ever owned but I've never seen a chicken smart enough to connect eggs I feed back to them with eggs in the nests.
There's also controversy in this thread about feeding cat food. Many show breeders use it as a conditioning aid because of the high protein. I started feeding some to my ducks a few years ago during the breeding season & it really improved the fertility.
How would a chicken eat an avocado pit?
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NYRreds, now that's a great question! Wonder why nobody has ever asked that.

Thank you also for your comments about some of the items on this thread. I think the key to remember is that anything in quantity can be deleterious.

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