First Egg Countdown

I assumed this black copper maranwould be my first to lay. Next week she will be 7 months. Her comb and waddle turned red at Christmas. Anybody want to take a guess at how long before she starts?
It's a bit hard to see her face, but it does not look too red. She may have a bit to go yet.

On the other hand, she looks like a good stout bird there. The eggs should be worth waiting for.
I have another new layer!! So I know the green egg is from my EE, but I have no idea who the "pink" egg is or the brown one. The suspects are: Brahma, Bantam Cochin, another EE (all hatched in June 2012 so they are about 34 weeks) ...I also have two welsummers and and a buff orpington but they are *much* younger than the other girls (hatched August 2012, about 27 weeks).

Anyone have any ideas on who could have laid these? Thanks!

My EE lays a pinkish egg even thou she has a pea comb and slate colored legs.....beard and muffs and all.....EE all the way....
I would say she is still 4-5 weeks away from laying.
Ugh, I keep waiting and waiting. Each day is like Christmas morning to see if there are any eggs. One thing about the pic is she is a little more red, the dust had her looking a little faded. However, I noticed she isn't as red as my auracana that has been laying two weeks.
Ugh, I keep waiting and waiting. Each day is like Christmas morning to see if there are any eggs. One thing about the pic is she is a little more red, the dust had her looking a little faded. However, I noticed she isn't as red as my auracana that has been laying two weeks.

Here is what a good "laying" comb looks like. I know this is a barred rock and yours is a Marans, but the combs are similar.
Two of my sweet hens got their bright red combs this morning! So funny, I just took a picture yesterday, so I'd be able 'to tell' when the color had mistaking THAT sign of chicken puberty! I was surprised that our smallest, bottom of the pecking order gal (Dolly) was one of the first. Now on to squatting and singing, and getting the permanent coop built this weekend, so they've got a cozy place to make omelets!

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