First Egg Countdown

So if I want to get turquoise eggs, what Colors do I need to mix?

You need to get a blue laying breed.

Hi, I have a Turken and two white leghorns ( discovered this morning that one is a rooster). So only two hens. They're not as gorgeous as some of yours, wow, makes me want to go and find such good looking chooks, anyway, It's my first time ever raising chickens, so I'm a little dumb still, Lol. I think they are about 16 weeks, not 100% sure how old they were when we got them, give or take a week or two. No eggs yet, put some hay in the nesting boxes last week and they kicked all if it out ?? Maybe too early, hey? So let the countdown begin...

16 weeks is pretty young for eggs. You will get eggs when their bodies are mature enough.
I have a couple silkie pullets that are 18 weeks old. One of them sang the egg song yesterday, and the roos that hatched with them have started crowing.
I didnt know that they sang the song unless they were laying? is that normal?
Also, how long after they start laying before I can incubate and hatch the eggs?

They sing the egg song before, during or after the egg. Some sing to join in the chorus. My roosters sing with the hens too.

I usually wait a few weeks for the eggs to get a bit bigger before I incubate them. But I have hatched early pullet eggs before.

Thanks for all the feed back on my first egg we received two more yesterday and ate them this morning with two excited grand children I thought I was excited it was a good breakfast !

Fresh eggs are delicious, eh?  Hard to describe how they taste, except how tender and fresh they are.

The biggest difference in taste to me was the difference in a hard boiled egg. It wasn't rubbery.
I have WLH's BSL's and RIRs all at 15 weeks from today.
My WLH's have gone in the nesting boxes .
when is it normal to start getting eggs?
Any day now for you, from what I've seen. We have 2 white leghorns, and one has been laying an egg a day for 3 weeks. She started just before her 16 week birthday. We also have another leghorn who has not laid yet, they are the same age. Just heard the egg song right now! Went and got another egg, thanks Foghorn!
Still nothing from my two 21 week old barred rocks. One has red wattles and red comb but the other is still looking pink and no wattles. Sigh. My 13 week Ameraucana has a very red comb - is that typical of the breed at this young age? Her 'sisters' of other breeds, same age, aren't nearly and red yet.
One squating for 11 days, the second now squating for 3 days and a third a bit pecky. Busy little sexlink birdies I have here considering its winter here in Australia :)
RIRs- 16 1/2 weeks, BOs and BRs- 15 1/2 weeks. They've had a lot of wattle/comb growth and a few are getting very red. I had one squat some yesterday. My RIR rooster crowed for the first time this morning! (well first I have heard) I'm sure I have a few weeks to go, but I am so anxious! The girls need to start paying rent! lol
My girls are red sex links and 17 weeks old now... How long do their combs and wattles stay red for before they start laying? And do they get any redder than this?
I've got a nesting box which a couple have poked around in and one sat in for about half a minute. Not sure if they're squatting for me or just being silly.... I feel like I'm expecting the birth of my first child waiting on these girls to start laying!!
So glad I found this thread! I've been wanting to share my news all day. I got my first eggs this morning! 11 eggs! I have 30 pullets 18 and 19 weeks old. I've been so busy this week with the holiday that I've just been running in the coop long enough to feed and water. So I haven't been checking for eggs like I had been. So I'm not sure what day they were laid and which pullets are laying. But I had 11 eggs! They were hidden, so I'm hoping they learn to use the nesting boxes soon!
My girls are red sex links and 17 weeks old now... How long do their combs and wattles stay red for before they start laying? And do they get any redder than this?
I've got a nesting box which a couple have poked around in and one sat in for about half a minute. Not sure if they're squatting for me or just being silly.... I feel like I'm expecting the birth of my first child waiting on these girls to start laying!!
Yes I know the feeling, it is like when you're expecting. One of our sex-links are laying, she's18 weeks old now and the first time I saw her in the nest box was 7 days ago, she laid the next day.
So glad I found this thread! I've been wanting to share my news all day. I got my first eggs this morning! 11 eggs! I have 30 pullets 18 and 19 weeks old. I've been so busy this week with the holiday that I've just been running in the coop long enough to feed and water. So I haven't been checking for eggs like I had been. So I'm not sure what day they were laid and which pullets are laying. But I had 11 eggs! They were hidden, so I'm hoping they learn to use the nesting boxes soon!
Wow. 11 you found, and for the first time! We have 8 chickens in our backyard, 2 are roosters. We are now getting 2 eggs/day.

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