First Egg Countdown

Those first eggs are so darn cute! My girls started at 27- 29 weeks old! The wait was torture, lol!
I have 3 BO and 2 Black Austrolorps and 1 Austrolorp rooster. They hatched on April 17th and I am so anxious for eggs. I am constantly checking the coop. So glad I found this thread bc the wait is making me crazy!! They are 21 weeks and combs and faces of the BO's are nice and red. The rooster keeps mating the BO's ...I don't know if that is helping or hurting the process.
I have be
I have 3 BO and 2 Black Austrolorps and 1 Austrolorp rooster. They hatched on April 17th and I am so anxious for eggs. I am constantly checking the coop. So glad I found this thread bc the wait is making me crazy!! They are 21 weeks and combs and faces of the BO's are nice and red. The rooster keeps mating the BO's ...I don't know if that is helping or hurting the process.

I have Austrolorps and Buff Orpingtons and I got my first BO egg almost a week ago at 19 weeks. Today I got an egg that was slightly a different color so I am thinking one of my BAs are laying as well. It'll happen soon!
I have be

I have Austrolorps and Buff Orpingtons and I got my first BO egg almost a week ago at 19 weeks. Today I got an egg that was slightly a different color so I am thinking one of my BAs are laying as well. It'll happen soon!
Congrats on your egg!

:) Tina

Do the combs look red enough and big enough that they might lay soon?

They certainly look mature enough to lay. It does depend on breed too, though. Some of my Hamburgs laid before having much of a comb, but they were about 26 weeks old. The roo doesn't have anything to do with when the girls start laying.

I see that you mention that they are 21 weeks, I'd be interested to know when they start laying. We just got some chicks and 3 of them are BA's!
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Do the combs look red enough and big enough that they might lay soon?
They look like they should be laying. Based on your pictures they free range a lot. Check your range area carefully, they may be laying and you don't know it. Mine typically lay in their nest but if they are out in the range and feel the urge they will lay anyplace that is handy. I have found eggs under bushes, on top of logs and nestled in among rocks.
When mine were of age to begin laying, I did not let them free range except under close watch so that I'd know if they were making a secret nest, lol! But then I only had two to keep an eye on. They were confined to their run at all other times. That was a very long time, mine were 27 weeks when they finally layed. Do your do the squat? Egg song?

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