First Egg Countdown

I have 3 BO and 2 Black Austrolorps and 1 Austrolorp rooster. They hatched on April 17th and I am so anxious for eggs. I am constantly checking the coop. So glad I found this thread bc the wait is making me crazy!!  They are 21 weeks and combs and faces of the BO's are nice and red. The rooster keeps mating the BO's ...I don't know if that is helping or hurting the process.

Welcome. Mating shows that they are mature enough for reproduction, and eggs should follow soon.


I think I have two hens about to molt... What do I do, and how can I help them (If there is any way) ?

Thanks - - - BunnyLover44

See this thread:




Do the combs look red enough and big enough that they might lay soon?

The pullets look very ready. They should be laying any day now. Make sure they aren't hiding their eggs.

I got my first eggs today from my new girls!

I slept a little later than usual (the neighbors partied all night).
When I got up to let the girls out this morning, one would not come out of the roosting box.

So I opened the side and found these two "rubber eggs" laying on the floor.

I just put in new pine shavings yesterday so they laid these either last night or this morning.

Both are rubbery and very small.
I suspect they're from the two Barred Rocks, who are about a week older than my RIR.

I hope they don't keep laying in the roosting area - they have 4 nesting boxes in the coop - but nobody has shown any interest.

YAY! I got EGGS!


My hens are now almost 6 months old blue 75 percent english orps... Any ideas how long it can take this breed to lay? There combs are getting brighter and seem to be growing?
Mine are so so close! No eggs yet, though. All the ladies squat for me, combs and wattles are bright red, someone's been checking out the nest boxes, and I heard the egg song this morning. I checked all over their yard. Mine are all 22 weeks. It's my son's birthday tomorrow. Maybe they will give him a birthday present.
Patiently waiting....
When mine were of age to begin laying, I did not let them free range except under close watch so that I'd know if they were making a secret nest, lol! But then I only had two to keep an eye on. They were confined to their run at all other times. That was a very long time, mine were 27 weeks when they finally layed. Do your do the squat? Egg song?

I'm trying to not let them out of the run to free range until after 2:00 pm.. I keep checking under the crab apple tree as it is their favorite spot to forage. I'll keep them in more the next few days. The rooster keeps mounting the buffs but I honestly have not noticed any squatting unless he is on them. They have definitely become more vocal in the past few days... This is my first time at raising chickens and I absolutely love it! I'm just so anxious for eggs!!! :)
WhooHOOO! I got my first eggs today from my new girls! I slept a little later than usual (the neighbors partied all night). When I got up to let the girls out this morning, one would not come out of the roosting box. So I opened the side and found these two "rubber eggs" laying on the floor. I just put in new pine shavings yesterday so they laid these either last night or this morning. Both are rubbery and very small. I suspect they're from the two Barred Rocks, who are about a week older than my RIR. I hope they don't keep laying in the roosting area - they have 4 nesting boxes in the coop - but nobody has shown any interest. YAY! I got EGGS!
Those are soft shelled eggs. They can be normal for new layers, but make sure they have oyster shell available.
My hens are now almost 6 months old blue 75 percent english orps... Any ideas how long it can take this breed to lay? There combs are getting brighter and seem to be growing?
A loooooong time. I think mine were 7-8 months when they started laying. They are slow maturing.
When mine were of age to begin laying, I did not let them free range except under close watch so that I'd know if they were making a secret nest, lol! But then I only had two to keep an eye on. They were confined to their run at all other times. That was a very long time, mine were 27 weeks when they finally layed. Do your do the squat? Egg song?
I'm trying to not let them out of the run to free range until after 2:00 pm.. I keep checking under the crab apple tree as it is their favorite spot to forage. I'll keep them in more the next few days. The rooster keeps mounting the buffs but I honestly have not noticed any squatting unless he is on them. They have definitely become more vocal in the past few days... This is my first time at raising chickens and I absolutely love it! I'm just so anxious for eggs!!! :)
Vocal is very good - they are very close from everything you stated.
K that's good to know.... Do u think they will lay in the cooler months? Or wait till spring? Days are getting shorter....

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