First Egg Countdown

Only 4 eggs since oct 9 from my orps? None in 7 days since I put light up? Checked them no visual parasites? Could it be the change from light made them stop temporary? Urg so frustrated start to lay then nothing never had this happen?
I ate egg #2 today without telling my kids there was egg #2 I told them we'd wait until we had three before eating any of them.
One of my RIR was hanging out uncomfortably on top of the nest boxes for over 30min while everyone else was out in the run. There was a big ruckus coming from the chickens and I decided to investigate. Rosie/Root Beer (can't figure who's who) was still in the coop. I was starting to get concerned that she was ill. I picked her up and felt the egg inside her. I held her for a bit and massaged the area hoping she wasn't egg bound. When I put he down she hid by the feeder and laid an egg for me. It was so fresh, that I couldn't resist. I took it straight to the kitchen and fried it. I'm going to guess this was her first egg, and the first one we got was not from her but from our Lavendar orp????? First egg on the left, breakfast on the right.

This sounds exactly like something I would do. Patience is not my strong suit!
we got our first green egg today!!!
Congrats! Very pretty!

I ate egg #2 today without telling my kids there was egg #2 I told them we'd wait until we had three before eating any of them.
One of my RIR was hanging out uncomfortably on top of the nest boxes for over 30min while everyone else was out in the run. There was a big ruckus coming from the chickens and I decided to investigate. Rosie/Root Beer (can't figure who's who) was still in the coop. I was starting to get concerned that she was ill. I picked her up and felt the egg inside her. I held her for a bit and massaged the area hoping she wasn't egg bound. When I put he down she hid by the feeder and laid an egg for me. It was so fresh, that I couldn't resist. I took it straight to the kitchen and fried it. I'm going to guess this was her first egg, and the first one we got was not from her but from our Lavendar orp????? First egg on the left, breakfast on the right.
I look at it as I take care of them, I get to eat the first one.

Only 4 eggs since oct 9 from my orps? None in 7 days since I put light up? Checked them no visual parasites? Could it be the change from light made them stop temporary? Urg so frustrated start to lay then nothing never had this happen?
Yes, adding the light could have made them stop laying temporarily. Chickens don't like change, and any change can affect their laying.
Awesome! I have 3 at 17 weeks as of yesterday. 1 EE, 1 Silver laced Wyandotte, and one Gold Laced Wyandotte... I'll probably start mixing in the layer feed on Monday and have them on full layer by wk 18. Love the Idea! I'll keep mine posted.

Awesome! I have 3 at 17 weeks as of yesterday. 1 EE, 1 Silver laced Wyandotte, and one Gold Laced Wyandotte... I'll probably start mixing in the layer feed on Monday and have them on full layer by wk 18. Love the Idea! I'll keep mine posted. ...
love you slw... 9 so want one, I think they are gorgeous.
Thanks, She is definitely the leader of the flock....She sits on my lap every day when I get home...the others just watch like she is crazy.....:)
Congrats on everyone's first eggs! Im so jealous! We are on week 23 and still waiting. Cuckoo Marans have appeared ready for a few weeks, but nothing. Argh! I run to the coop every day like it's Christmas to find empty nest boxes.
Congrats on everyone's first eggs! Im so jealous! We are on week 23 and still waiting. Cuckoo Marans have appeared ready for a few weeks, but nothing. Argh! I run to the coop every day like it's Christmas to find empty nest boxes.

I waited over 27 wks for my EE girl. I finally told her it was breakfast or Sunday dinner for her. lol Fingers crossed for your 1st egg!
My three are approx 24 weeks and nothing as of yet! My orpington is acting a bit strange this week and crouching when I fuss hopefully soon! Suspense over an egg is killing me!

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