First Egg Countdown

Congrats on everyone's first eggs! Im so jealous! We are on week 23 and still waiting. Cuckoo Marans have appeared ready for a few weeks, but nothing. Argh! I run to the coop every day like it's Christmas to find empty nest boxes.

Same here! 22 weeks, and two of my girls have looked like they're ready for a couple weeks now. They think they're little princesses.

"You'll get eggs when I'm good and ready!"
Congrats on everyone's first eggs! Im so jealous! We are on week 23 and still waiting. Cuckoo Marans have appeared ready for a few weeks, but nothing. Argh! I run to the coop every day like it's Christmas to find empty nest boxes.

Same here! 22 weeks, and two of my girls have looked like they're ready for a couple weeks now. They think they're little princesses.

"You'll get eggs when I'm good and ready!"

That is hilarious!
Ok, all mine are at 20 weeks old today, a few are pretty red in the face and one has squatted a couple times, the others wont let me catch them to find out if they will. I checked the pelvic bones of the one when it squatted and they were two finger widths apart a couple days ago, I too keep going to the coop like its Christmas hoping for a present only to keep finding empty nest boxes, and no sign of any type of egg anywhere! Out of 18 girls hopefully I can get one egg before Halloween! I have a light coming on at 6:00 in the morning for a little extra light since it is quickly getting darker every day! Somebody needs to start paying rent!
So, the Cuckoo Marans has been really weird today. Making odd noise and every now and then she would stop walking and squat down. I really think she's close! I'll be running to that coop tomorrow looking for my surprise!
Nothing again today! They aren't interested in eggs, they're just loving life: scratching around, eating bugs, dirt bathing, you know doing all the things chickens do. EXCEPT lay one dang egg! I told them I didn't even care if it had a shell on it. Just show some kind of interest. Gah lol
I thought my Maran would be the first to lay as her comb was really red. It was about three weeks before she laid an egg, and was bested by one of my RIR's by a day. She was in and out of the nest box for hours singing her egg song loud and proud every time she left, but no egg. She still does this while the RIRs sit until they lay the egg. Her first egg was on Thursday followed by Saturday and Sunday. I still have five freeloaders holding out on me.

Hopefully today is her day to gift you an egg.

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