First Egg Countdown

My SLW are 18 weeks old....ANXIOUSLY waiting on some eggs. I have seen others post with wyandottes that have started laying as early as 18 weeks, and I have seen others still waiting after 30 weeks.
I have not seen any signs of squatting yet, but they have become a lot more vocal over the last couple of days. I keep hearing new noises I have ever heard them make....hopefully this is a sign that they are not far off!

My 3 hatchery SLW are all just started laying at 20 and 21 weeks
Fingers crossed yours start soon

these are my 3 girls I thought id show them off
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I'm in the same boat here. I got two green eggs early last week and none since. Another started laying in the meantime, but that's only 2(ish) out of 9 chickens! The EEs are 22 weeks now and the BR are 20. I swear I'm like a chicken stalker. I probably go checks for eggs 4 or 5 times a day!
Haha! Seriously, I feel your pain! I thought once they started laying, I'd feel better but that one egg was such a tease....
By the way, is 22 weeks a pretty common age for EEs to start laying? I have a couple that are about a month younger than my other birds but I've been so focused on waiting for my mature Rocks to lay that I haven't gotten around to figuring out when my younger birds will be starting...
Haha! Seriously, I feel your pain! I thought once they started laying, I'd feel better but that one egg was such a tease....
By the way, is 22 weeks a pretty common age for EEs to start laying? I have a couple that are about a month younger than my other birds but I've been so focused on waiting for my mature Rocks to lay that I haven't gotten around to figuring out when my younger birds will be starting...

I'm not sure to be honest with you. These are the first chickens I've had since my family owned them when I was a kid. How old are your Rocks? My one has had a really red face for awhile now and such a big comb that my husband is convinced it's a rooster. lol. Still nothing though.
Chickenpicken, your SLW are really pretty and lacy! Both of mine have layed now, but neither squats.

Maybe its like horse training, you have to be black and white (seriously threaten them with a pot in one hand and point to the nest box with the plastic egg in it) no shades of grey (don't beg, plead, or ask) lol. Yeah I know, I can be a smarty pants now 'cause I am getting a steady stream of little brown eggs. Maybe its my body language.
I'm not sure to be honest with you. These are the first chickens I've had since my family owned them when I was a kid. How old are your Rocks? My one has had a really red face for awhile now and such a big comb that my husband is convinced it's a rooster. lol. Still nothing though

Haha! My Rocks were 23 weeks old on Sunday so it's not like they're way past due to start... it just feels that way! Poor girls, they're used to free ranging all day but I've been so suspicious that they were laying somewhere outside during the day that I've been leaving them in their coop all day and just letting them out for a while in the late afternoon and evening... Now they're just angry!
Cinnamon Queens approx 5, Silver Wyndottes approx 17 ( lost count after the weasel attack)... all at 21 weeks...... as Andy Griffith might say.....nary a egg one, nary a one.

about 7 weeks younger we have a buff orrington , a Coco Maran, an Ameraucana, and a few i haven't identified ( straight run from a lady who though she had certiain breed, I think some are cross breeds and aint no telling what we got) will try to post pics later)...........

NO EGGS,,,,,,, below is the feed I have had them on exclusively for 6 weeks....... do i need to add anything

BTW.... the ROOS....are quite busy.... I have a dominant roo he is the cock of the walk, then another silver roo who is now partaking of the bounty of hens, even some of the 16 week old roos are showing interest....... yeah I am ROO rich.... gotta get rid of a few.... but surely hate too they are a beautiful bird,

total of 36 hens, 3 silver roos, 7 from the straight run total 46 birds

Rural King Layer Crumbles Feed 16% Hens

Purpose: This feed is designed to be fed to layers as the sole ration.
Feeding Direction: Feed as the sole ration to laying birds. Birds 22 weeks and over will consume approximately 85 pounds per year. Keep feeders half full at all times. Oyster shell or ground limestone may be feed in addition to Rural King Layer Crumbles. Provide plenty of fresh water, for more information refer to the back of the bag.

  • Amino Acid Balanced
  • Crumbled form
  • Bolstered calcium levels
  • High energy level

  • Optimum growth and development
  • Easy to consume, low waste
  • No oyster shells required.
  • Strong bones for layers
  • Vitamins help fight stress
  • Maximum egg protection
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so with this blasted HEAT..... over 30 days with temps near 100..... could this be a factor in our lack of eggs
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21 weeks is still pretty young for eggs. They will lay when their bodies are ready. It is actually better on their bodies that they lay better - hens that lay super early can have laying issues later in their life.

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