First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

f1 black copper maran over slow grow broiler
After hatching this and one more,I promptly sent the copper marans to freezee camp.Pretty obvious they were NOT going in the right direction. Letting this one mature just to see how it turns out
What I find interesting is that this monster has no discernable comb or wattles (so far) In the pursuit of a decent homegrown broiler type,I have this to say,"Do NOT use copper marans!!"
What I find interesting is that this monster has no discernable comb or wattles (so far) In the pursuit of a decent homegrown broiler type,I have this to say,"Do NOT use copper marans!!"

What a weird little chicken! I processed the last of my meaties today and the last one looked the complete opposite of yours. He had NO neck whatsoever. The hubs and I started calling him Egor. He was one mutant meaty if I've ever seen one. My sister came to learn and hand me I processed and concluded it was definitely not for her.
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It gives me a headache. I do my research into the breeds I raise,and I try to anticipate what a given combination will produce. The copper marans feathered and grew at a fairly fast pace.They had width and lenght of leg. I had hoped to increase the dark meat and stil retain the "broiler" look. Genetics. You have to to love it. It's atotal crap shoot.
I lost two half grown hybrids at the beginning of the week.They flew into the dog pen. My Rhodesian Ridgeback made short work of them. I was screaming bloody murder at him to no avail. He has been educated,I wont discuss the method. However it was a resonding success. They have gotten into the pen since then. He looks then he turns and faces the other way. If they get within 10 ft of him he goes into his dog house. My other dog a hybrid husky x lab
Just follows them around.Never moves fast and doesn't try to hurt them. My training session upset the dear wife. I was raised old school. A dog that ate chickens or eggs was immediately eradicated.Any animal that showed aggression towards people would NOT survive. Dogs were supposed to bark NOT bite. And when they did bark,it was at people.Not the moon. I know alot of people will side with my wife saying its the chickens fault,(or mine ) To this i offer the following , All my animals are treated VERY well. More like my kids. And when they violate the rules they pay the consequences. My wife has always believed me to be too strict. It's the way I was raised. Spare the rod, spoil the child
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