First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

I lost two half grown hybrids at the beginning of the week.They flew into the dog pen. My Rhodesian Ridgeback made short work of them. I was screaming bloody murder at him to no avail. He has been educated,I wont discuss the method. However it was a resonding success. They have gotten into the pen since then. He looks then he turns and faces the other way. If they get within 10 ft of him he goes into his dog house. My other dog a hybrid husky x lab
Just follows them around.Never moves fast and doesn't try to hurt them. My training session upset the dear wife. I was raised old school. A dog that ate chickens or eggs was immediately eradicated.Any animal that showed aggression towards people would NOT survive. Dogs were supposed to bark NOT bite. And when they did bark,it was at people.Not the moon. I know alot of people will side with my wife saying its the chickens fault,(or mine ) To this i offer the following , All my animals are treated VERY well. More like my kids. And when they violate the rules they pay the consequences. My wife has always believed me to be too strict. It's the way I was raised. Spare the rod, spoil the child
dogs have to be educated... some dogs a good yelling works other dogs need more sever methods... glad you were able to educate him and didn't have to eradicate.
I have a shock collar for my St bernard/Newfoundland. I got him from a shelter because the husband died and the wife couldn't handle him.. He was a handful at first and tried to drag my 5' body around the yard, had to educate him that was not acceptable. .. off lead wasn't working until I got the shock collar. He has learned not to bother the poultry, but chasing hawks is good
4weeks 2days. He weighs 1lb3.5oz
Dave I appreciate the words of encouragement. They seem to be making steady gains.
I was worried this cross might grow the frame then add weight,like the Jersey Giants.
This hasn't been the case so far. They are well proportioned with an emphasis on the dark meat.
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What I find interesting is that this monster has no discernable comb or wattles (so far) In the pursuit of a decent homegrown broiler type,I have this to say,"Do NOT use copper marans!!"

Please don't get jumpy with me but I still can't imagine that has any Marans genes at all. Still thinking one of your Saipans got lucky.


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