Flies no more!! Found the perfect fly repellent.

I finally finished the "big girls" coop on Wednesday and while I was working on it, I noticed a few flies inside of it. I ran around the other side of the barn to the other coops to see if there were flies in them.....but NOPE....none.

So I went inside and grabbed 4 vanilla trees and hung them in the new coop just before we put the girls in. Checked again the next morning and didn't see nary a fly. It seems to be like garlic to a vampire

All I know is...WE DON'T HAVE FLIES ANYMORE!!!!!!

My stinky trap isn't stinking anymore as it has been up about 2 months. I am going to replace it, but this time hang it a bit further away from the coops. Maybe a combination of repelling them away from the coop with the vanilla and a stinky place for them to go is the trick.

I bought some the other day and hung them up by hubby's quail breeding pens where he couldn't see them...after a couple of days, he says "The flies must have moved somewhere else..there aren't as many as usual." I have hung them up in several places and just waiting a few more days to give a report... so fdar...so good...
Well I have absolutely no flies of any kind.

I don't think it works for mosquitoes as well because I still get a few bites if I don't have insect repellent on me. It's just such a habit that anytime I'm going outside I have spray it on me. I think I'm going to try one of those OFF thingys that you clip on your pants so I don't have to keep putting DEET on my skin.
Ok, I have my own theory on this working or not working....

Since flies like the smell of chicken poop and cannot seem to resist it,

This will work in an area where you have essentially over powered the poopy ordors with the vanilla ordor!

As long as the flies have difficulties homing in on the poop. you will have less flies!*

*unless you are growing your own personal swarms- ask me how I know this*

I believe that as odor is the single most behavioral driving matter in the life of insects. Many of these odors are barely noticible to most humans.

Think about it!

Take care of you and ypurs,

That could be... I'm sure flies sense of smell is MUCH more sensitive than mine (which is PRETTY sensitive). I have noticed that the odor of the trees does diminish over a few weeks and I barely notice it unless I get close one...but the flies still stay away. They must smell it at a much higher level than I do!!
Well I have absolutely no flies of any kind.

I don't think it works for mosquitoes as well because I still get a few bites if I don't have insect repellent on me. It's just such a habit that anytime I'm going outside I have spray it on me. I think I'm going to try one of those OFF thingys that you clip on your pants so I don't have to keep putting DEET on my skin.

We use the clip ons. They are in the mud room on the counter ready for anytime either my husband or 3 yr old goes outside. My hubby is korean and I have no idea if this is the reason but, he gets eaten like no other person I have ever seen
My son too. The bites turn into huge welts. My husband swears by them and never leaves home without them!

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