Flies no more!! Found the perfect fly repellent.

Years ago a coworker told me he used to have problems with mosquitoes too until he began tucking a dryer sheet into his shirt collar.
That is when I started thinking, ya I know, dangerous. mosquitoes find their victims by smell, so if you mask the odour that smells good to skeeters they will find a better smelling target for dinner. Luckily, perfumes, scented soaps, deodorants, dryer sheets and fabric softeners smell good to us.
I too, used to be the preferred main course of mosquitoes until I started using fabric softener; I have not gotten a skeeter bite in over fifteen years.
Seriously, my friends still laugh about how mosquitoes would swarm me and no one else standing around me. I am sooo glad, I am no longer skeeter bait!
OMG! Judy, that is the most wonderful thing!!!! Thank You for sharing!

Tell Robin, hi
I put them up tonight, 2 in a 10x11 coop. I also hung a new fly strip as you couldn't see the old one anymore through all the flies. I hung that one last Friday so I guess that might be a good measure. Air fresheners are typically full of toxic chemicals and I try to avoid them if I can but the flies were ridiculous. On the plus side I think I have finally located an almost local source for DE. That should help.

I have a whole bunch of the actual vanilla beans. More than I know what to do with. If someone can tell me how to use them (besides creme brule!) I'll send you some!
If you will split the beans and put them in a jar with vodka, it makes vanilla extract

And you'd waste that on flies? As if .... !!!

I put one out under our dining table on the front terrace yesterday, it's fly season here too and they make eating lunch at the table an impossibility.

Today, there are definitely less flies and those that are there seem to be more subdued than previously, they are not buzzing about quite so much as I'd normally expect.

So far - it's a winner
The brand I've got is Magic Tree - Vanillaroma​

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