Flies no more!! Found the perfect fly repellent.

My vanilla trees seem to help, but not to the degree that I would like, I think I need more!! Will buy some more and report back soon
Hey....guess what I found?

At Auto Zone I found a small aerosol can of the Magic Tree Vanillaroma spray so I can soak the trees when they start losing their potency!!! I am so excited.

I am thinking more and more that it is this particular brand of vanilla freshener that is working so well to drive the flies away.
I need to put more out. I rake the pen, and that also helps a lot.
But, I have my new Barnevelders in the tractor, and the flies are crazy! I had one hanging in there, but apparently it needs more. those youngsters are smelly!
My husband laughed when I told him why I was going to try Vanilla Trees in the hen house. But he went to the auto parts store and bought me six! I hung 3 in our 11'x15' coop, and, maybe it was just hot and the flies were quiet, but there were FEWER flies in the coop this afternoon. I'll check again when I lock the girls in tonight.
LOL! And a matching bedskirt for their roost!

Hey, if the girls want curtains, I say: give 'em curtains!



BTW: I'm trying the vanilla scented air fresheners too. I think it helps in the run area, now if I could just keep the flies OUT of my house...
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I read this last week and went to Wally World and bought a couple of 3-packs. I hung 3 trees in my 8'x7' coop and have noticed a marked reduction in the flies. I even ran out in the rain and stood outside the coop, getting rained on to see if the flies took shelter in the coop from the rain. They...........stayed away. I am chemically sensitive to the point that walking down the soap aisle at the grocery store lights me up like a Christmas tree...pun intended. But I will put up with the trees so I don't have to put up with the flies. HMMMMM..............maybe hang some off the bar-b-que pit when cooking outside??
Now that is very interesting. That's probably why my coops don't smell like chicken poop at all. I use probably 4-5 trees in a 6X8 coop and as soon as they start to lose their strength...about 2-3 weeks...I hang another beside it. Eventually I take them down when they have lost all smell...about 6 weeks. Also, they never get wet. That would surely diminish their strength quickly.

I'll have to look for an air freshener that could be used in a run where it gets wet.

I'm on a mission.......!!

My henhouse didn't stink like chicken manure even BEFORE I put up the vanilla "pine trees". Not sure why it's not working too well. Like aprophet said, I've seen flies actually perch on these air fresheners!

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