Good morning, fellow Floridians! I've been here a little while now but got busy with coursework so haven't posted in a while. Now that finals are over and I have a break, I'm looking to add a few more girls to finish off my small egg laying flock. I currently have a RIR, a Red Star (red sex linked mix), and a Barred Rock. I discovered after the fact that it's best to have all one breed. I just don't get it, because my husband and I both grew up seeing flocks of all colors and breeds mixed together in the chicken yard. I just wanted to have brown eggs and a pretty mix of chickens. I'm still determined to have pretty birds and I'm desperately trying to find Black Australorp pullets. I'm in Starke, with is NE FL, right in the middle of the triangle made of Lake City, Jacksonville, and Gainesville. I don't mind traveling an hour or so to get what I'm looking for (further if they are layers). Does anyone have, or know of anyone who has, some Lorp pullets or hens to sell? I've never raised chicks, nor do I want to, but the only Lorps I can find locally are a month (4-5 weeks old) that she says are in the yard, fully feathered, and she guarantees they are hens, willing to buy back any that end up being roos. I would prefer to buy Lorps already laying or closer to laying age, if possible. I'll raise them up if necessary, but want to explore this option first. Any ideas?

Oh, and I've seen mention of the Middleburn Farm & Swap Meet but even when looking at the list of Swaps and Fairs, I couldn't find any information on it, such as where and when. Anyone know that info?

Thanks for any help y'all can give. Look forward to getting to know everyone better...now that I have 2 seconds to breathe and do something fun for myself. :)

I don't know about pullets, but my local feed store will be trying to get me some Australorp chicks in next month - its worth a shot to call them and see if they can get pullets - here is a link to the store - you can call them fairly easy and ask.


Why do you say its best to get all one breed? Are you having troubles? I, myself, plan to get two breeds - Barred Rocks and Australorps myself, but I will be getting little chicks.
I said it's better to have only one breed based on a LOT of reading the forums. That appears to be the recommendation of most experienced flock masters. It seems like when anyone has trouble in their flock, it's a mixed flock and the temperaments of the different breeds don't mesh. For example, when I read the Breed Info & Reviews for Barred Rocks and Australorps, I would hesitate to have a mixed flock with those two breeds. Breed temperament says they are skittish and that's mentioned in many of the reviews. The most reported "con" by people who own Barred Rocks is that they are bossy and pushy to more docile chickens and kind of mean. Now, you read the Breed Info & Reviews for Australorps. The breed temperament lists them as a calm, quiet, and docile bird. The reviews say about the same, with no cons listed. So just based on that, I would have concerns about mixing the two breeds and would ask around to see if anyone else has a mixed flock of this pairing and see how it's working for them. I see the bossiness with my one Barred Rock and I'm hoping that with adding at least 3 Lorps, they will bond together and be able to tolerate the one and only Rock I will have. As I told my husband, if I decide I like the Lorps better, I'll rehome the BR. I really dug around about them, too, because they are available in my local area, whereas the Lorps are not. I could have added more of them with no problems. I just adore the looks of the Black Australorps and have wanted one since I got my first chicken.

Good morning, fellow Floridians! I've been here a little while now but got busy with coursework so haven't posted in a while. Now that finals are over and I have a break, I'm looking to add a few more girls to finish off my small egg laying flock. I currently have a RIR, a Red Star (red sex linked mix), and a Barred Rock. I discovered after the fact that it's best to have all one breed. I just don't get it, because my husband and I both grew up seeing flocks of all colors and breeds mixed together in the chicken yard. I just wanted to have brown eggs and a pretty mix of chickens. I'm still determined to have pretty birds and I'm desperately trying to find Black Australorp pullets. I'm in Starke, with is NE FL, right in the middle of the triangle made of Lake City, Jacksonville, and Gainesville. I don't mind traveling an hour or so to get what I'm looking for (further if they are layers). Does anyone have, or know of anyone who has, some Lorp pullets or hens to sell? I've never raised chicks, nor do I want to, but the only Lorps I can find locally are a month (4-5 weeks old) that she says are in the yard, fully feathered, and she guarantees they are hens, willing to buy back any that end up being roos. I would prefer to buy Lorps already laying or closer to laying age, if possible. I'll raise them up if necessary, but want to explore this option first. Any ideas?

Oh, and I've seen mention of the Middleburn Farm & Swap Meet but even when looking at the list of Swaps and Fairs, I couldn't find any information on it, such as where and when. Anyone know that info?

Thanks for any help y'all can give. Look forward to getting to know everyone better...now that I have 2 seconds to breathe and do something fun for myself. :)


I have a mixed flock of blue orpingtons, ameraucanas, marans, leghorns, wyandottes, welsummers, RSL, a BSL, and a astralorpe. And I have found that VERY many people here have mixed flocks. I have multiple coops, however the only ones I have separated by breed are my ameraucanas. Not sure why you were told you had to have all the same breed. I think it is basically what you prefer and what your purpose for having them is.
In the Jacksonville area we have a swap on the last Sunday of each month at Bent Creek on 103rd street. Most all of the people selling are on this FaceBook page so you could ask around on here Northeast Florida Farm & Garden Swap and you will probably find someone that will help you out. I do not know if he has any but Jack Boyd is very helpful with chickens. Also I believe in Starke they have Tuesdays at Tractor Supply which is also on Facebook. Hope you find what you are looking for.

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