Food Scraps?

And let's not forget to mention Dried Meal worms, which my "girls" absolutely flip over. Sometimes I believe I go to work just to be able to afford the luxury of these delectable treats. provides us with an 8 lb bag every few months and the purchase is filed under one of these expenses that I don't necessarily explain to my spouse.
Yes mealworms are the big favorite here too. I bought 1000 live online (about $11 including shipping) for the chicks and they go crazy for them. I figured getting live would help encourage good foraging skills. So odd the 6 mo old OEG Bantam that came last weekend won't touch meal worms, she is getting used to other treats but she can't see how worms could possibly be something a bird would want to eat!
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Can anyone tell me if it is ok to give poppy seeds to the chicken? I have some leftover poppy seeds which I bought to make a cake. They will soon expire so I thought I might give them to the chicks. Have anyone tried that?

Just don't give them if the chickens will be taking a drug test in the near future..............

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