For the new folks that haven't experienced a molt yet.

I haven't noticed the better layers molting faster, but you could be right. My olive eggers are my best layers and they seem to molt pretty fast. With so many birds, it's kinda hard to keep track of everyone's molt.
I posted this question in the ailments section as well, but I'm curious to know what you all think:

So a week ago Dixie started moulting. I learned it was a hard moult and that happens sometimes. Well, she hasn't eaten all day, not even scrambled egg, berries and all her very favorite foods, and barely ate yesterday. She had a bad case of diarrhea yesterday and today is drinking a lot of water. All of the other chickens are completely normal so I don't think it's something infectious.

I'm so worried she won't make it and I just love my crazy girl. Is this behavior still within the realm of moulting?

ETA, this morning she's up and eating!!! I'm so relieved!! Thanks so much, BYCers, for sharing your knowledge.
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thanks u answered my chickens are not laying that much and i thought maybe they needed to molt.iam a rookie at this,and i wanted to make they were fine.they havent been giving me much eggs so i thought it was time to molt them. thanks for help
Wow, this is a great thread. I have a 4 hens myself. I got a Brama in July and she had a large bare spot on her back that I figgured was from molting. The two RIR's are starting to molt some. The Americauna doesn't appear to be molting, but she hasn't layed an ege in over a month now. So it seems that all 4 of mine are experianceing some molting. I am getting about 5 eggs a week right now, but hope that will increase soon even though the days are getting shorter.
I have a question about molting..

Since the hens go dormant as to laying during a molt, do roosters sense any of this? I all ready have witnessed hens that have missing feathers due to rooster's constant mating. I can't imagine going through a molt, and still having a roo jump you all day, poor things will be bald for sure.

I have 13 week old pullets and one roo. Not sure what to expect as I inch along the learning trail of chickens.

If your birds are 13 weeks old, they are going through a juvenile molt, which is pretty minor. They are getting their adult feathers in. Young cockerels have to practice mating A LOT before they get the hang of it. They also mature much faster than pullets, so there is a time where the pullets aren't agreeable to the mating.

When they go through an adult molt (usually between 12-18 months) the hens avoid the roosters. Both of my roosters are molting right now too, so they probably aren't feeling up to snuff themselves. I usually have enough birds that aren't molting to keep the roosters happy - while the girls that are molting get their new feathers.

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