For the new folks that haven't experienced a molt yet.

All of my flock is less than a year old, so this has been very informative. I was thinking that next fall will be my girl's first "real" moult. Do you all switch to game or grower feed during the moult? Offer calcium on the side or not? Any treats or extra goodies you recommend?
All of my flock is less than a year old, so this has been very informative. I was thinking that next fall will be my girl's first "real" moult. Do you all switch to game or grower feed during the moult? Offer calcium on the side or not? Any treats or extra goodies you recommend?
I mixed Flockraiser (20% protein) with Game Bird Starter (30% protein) this year and they are growing in their feathers much faster. I always have calcium on the side, as they all don't molt at the same time. I still have some birds that will molt that have not started yet.

As for treats: Mealworms are extremely high in protein, so they are the best treat in my opinion. (you can buy them freeze dried so you don't have to deal with live ones) Also any meat scraps, chopped small. I've given my chickens leftover fish that we didn't eat. Tuna works too. Dry cat food in very small quantities as it's loaded with sodium.
Quote: Yes, she will be fine. My buttercup in the first post of this thread molted in the coldest winter we have had in a long time - right in the middle of December a couple years ago. She was smart enough to snuggle up to the fluffy hens and squeezed herself between them, so they kept her nice and toasty.
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Thanks for sharing your knowledge Happy Chooks! I grew up on a farm and of course we had chickens but they were "livestock" not pets like mine are now. Plus I resented having to go gather eggs, etc. and we had a mean old roo that always pecked me. LOL Never my mom but he always got me and my little brother.
Thank you so much for the photo. I have a Rhode Island Red named "Blaze" and she looks worse than your photos. I've been very concerned about the cold, damp weather and brought her into our basement. She is also towards the bottom of the pecking order, and I'm sure the pecks from the other girls hurt. She is also one of my best layers. All my other girls seem to be molting gradually. Is there anything additional I can do to help her along?
Happy Chooks,

May I ask how you imbed a link to another post like you just did above. I have been looking and trying to figure it out,, but I am a computer dummy~


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