For the new folks that haven't experienced a molt yet.

Usually a full molt takes around 4 weeks, but some breeds' molts can take a few months. Chickens molt once when they're babies, again as juveniles, and then the first true molt happens around their 2nd year. I have 8 hens that turned 4 years old March 2016, and three of them are experiencing molt again. (2 RIRs and 1 White Orp). Give them a higher percentage protein in their feed. I like gamebird feed which is 27% protein mixed with their regular Layena pellets. Or you can do a Feather Fixer mixed with their regular feed. It gives them a little extra boost to help get thru the stress that molting puts on their bodies. Good luck!

8 RIRs, 2 White Rocks, 2 White Orps, 3 Mille Fleurs, 1 Barred Rock and 4 Silkies.
I too, scared me to death, i found a mound of feathers in a perfect circle pile as if they all just fell off at once. I felt bad for hr then, but apparently she wasn't done. She is one naked girl. I can see the new ones starting but it seems like itvwill be forever. How long to grow back, weeks.....months ?

My poor Hermione. All 4 of my girls are molting (one has a broken pin feather), but Hermione seems to be going through the hardest. Scrambled egg and feather fixer feed. Hopefully they grow in quickly.

Is there anything that can be done for the broken feather?

My poor Hermione. All 4 of my girls are molting (one has a broken pin feather), but Hermione seems to be going through the hardest. Scrambled egg and feather fixer feed. Hopefully they grow in quickly.

Is there anything that can be done for the broken feather?
If it is a blood feather and bleeding you need to pull it. Otherwise I would just leave it alone.
Yes, if they don't stop bleeding....fully plucking the pin feather will make it stop bleeding.
Had to do it once with a young cockerel....used some hemostats to get a good grip in bleeding pin feather and yanked it out.

It stopped and is scabbed now.

Now I have another question... (first molt chicken mommy) - it's going into the low 30s at night here. With them being almost nekid should I use thebwarming lamp? One girl was shivering earlier.

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